Rabu, 19 Mei 2010

Ebook Horse Diaries #1: Elska

Ebook Horse Diaries #1: Elska

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Horse Diaries #1: Elska

Horse Diaries #1: Elska

Horse Diaries #1: Elska

Ebook Horse Diaries #1: Elska

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Horse Diaries #1: Elska

About the Author

Catherine Hapka has written more than 150 books for children and young adults—many about horses, including several in the Saddle Club and Pine Hollow series. A lifelong horse lover, she rides several times per week and appreciates horses of all breeds. She lives on a small farm in Chester County, Pennsylvania.Ruth Sanderson has illustrated books for children of all ages, including Summer Pony and Winter Pony. She lives with her family in Ware, Massachusetts, and her favorite hobby is horseback riding.

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Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.

Iceland, Circa AD 1000My name is Elska. That is what the people call me, though in the first months of my life I knew nothing of people.I was foaled in early summer, in a meadow dotted with flowers. My first memory was the feeling of the warm sun on my back. I did not know it then, but in summer in Iceland, the sun shines for more than twenty hours each day. My dam, Silfra, was on her feet within moments of my birth. She nudged at me with her soft muzzle. The scent of her surrounded me and made me feel safe.My long legs twitched. They felt new and strange. I moved them, trying to figure out how they worked. Finally I got my two front legs out in front and my back legs under me. I gave a push and staggered to my feet. I swayed back and forth and almost fell. Then I found my balance. I stood on my shaky legs. My brushy tail swished behind me, and my ears twitched at the sounds of my brand-new world. I opened my eyes wide, trying to understand the things I saw. Interesting smells drifted past my nostrils.My dam nudged me again with her nose, almost tipping me over. I realized I was hungry. I searched along her body until I found the right spot. Then I nursed, the warm milk filling my belly. Soon I was full, which made me very sleepy. I allowed my new legs to collapse under me, and was asleep almost before I hit the ground.When I awoke, I stood and nursed again. Energy coursed through my body, and I turned away from my dam. I noticed other creatures nearby–horses like me.Curious, I tried to run to them. But my long legs tangled with each other and I went sprawling face-first on the ground.My dam was amused. Patience, little one, she told me. Soon you will be running like the wind.Wise Silfra was right. Within hours I was running and playing as if I had been doing so forever. The others welcomed me to the herd. I met Bergelmir, the herd stallion and my sire. I also met an older filly known as Leira; her patient old dam, Irpa; a sweet filly the humans would call Tyrta, who was only a few days older than I was; and a playful colt with a colorful pinto coat who would be called Tappi.It was Tappi who first showed me how to tölt. I already knew how to trot and gallop. I could walk, too, though I did it as little as possible–it was too slow when there was so much to do and see! When I first noticed Tappi, he was moving in a different way. His legs flashed beneath him, one-two-threefour, while his head and back stayed straight and proud. I galloped after him, curious. Why do your legs move like that? I wanted to know. He lifted his knees higher, showing off as he tölted around me. All the horses of this land can do it, he told me. It is called a tölt, and it is what makes us special among all the animals. How do you know so much about it? I wanted to know. You aren’t much older than me.My mother, Perta, told me, Tappi said. She is the oldest mare in the herd. She knows everything!I watched his legs carefully. Then I tried to make my own move in the same way. After a few tries, I got it. I was tölting! Before long it felt as easy as breathing. My hind legs stretched under my body, one at a time, pushing me forward. My front legs lifted and curled, helping to propel me along. Onetwo- three-four, one-two-three-four, faster and faster. Tölting was fun!A few days after my foaling, the rest of the herd left my birth meadow. I kept pace easily, sometimes walking or trotting and sometimes tölting with Tappi. We forded a fast, cold, shallow river that tumbled down from the mountains in a series of waterfalls. Then we climbed a steep, mossy hill and found ourselves overlooking a green valley. A herd of smaller creatures dotted the slopes of the valley and nibbled at the grass. They were white, gray, black, and brown–almost as many colors as there were in my herd. My mother told me that such creatures were known as sheep.They share our summer grazing lands, she told me. In autumn, the men come and round them up, along with us.I didn’t understand all of what she told me. Summer, autumn, and men meant nothing to me. But I didn’t let it worry me. Like the way my legs worked, I figured these things would become clear in time. The herd continued through the valley of the sheep. On the far side, we found ourselves in the shadow of a mountain. Its iron-gray slopes stretched up toward the blue sky. Near the top, veins of silvery white trickled down, like the strands of my friend Tyrta’s creamy mane and tail against the dark golden palomino color of her body.The wise old mare Irpa saw me looking. That is ice and snow, little one, she told me. You will learn more of that soon enough.I wanted to know more now, but the herd was on the move again. We traveled through more valleys, across high meadows and lava fields, past hot springs and geysers, and over rocky foothills coated with moss. By late evening, when the sun set for the first time in many hours, we reached a broad, grassy plain with a river running through it. Most of the horses waded into the river, drinking deeply. I nursed from my mother, then collapsed onto the soft ground and slept. That was the first of many journeys I made with the herd. We moved around often in search of grazing. Several months passed and I grew bigger, faster, and stronger. I drank less of my dam’s milk and nibbled more grass with the older horses. I grew taller and stouter, and a layer of fat covered my ribs.Then one day in early autumn, something different happened. Tappi was the first to notice.New horses! He came running toward the herd, breathless. Come and see!Before we could move, horses crested the next hill. But what was that upon their backs?Ah, it is Hamur! My dam, Silfra, snorted with pleasure. Her ears were pricked forward and her gaze trained on a particular roan horse. See how big he has grown since winter!All around me, the other adult horses were expressing similar things. The other foals were just as confused as I was. What was happening?Still, watching the reaction of my elders, I knew it could be nothing frightening. The horses came closer, and I got a better look at the odd creatures that rode upon their backs. They sat upright like a bird does, or an arctic fox when it stands on its hind legs to scan the fields. But these creatures were much larger than a fox. They also made strange noises as they came, sharper than the soft snorts and nickers of a horse and louder than the calls of most birds. I cocked my head to listen to these cries.One was tall with a loud voice: “Watch, Amma! You must stay close to us, or you will not be allowed on the rettir again until you are older.” A smaller one responded, “But I am old enough, Jarl! I am nearly eight.”Yet another’s voice was like the low rumble of a geyser: “Your brother speaks the truth, Amma. Keep your horse near mine.”“Yes, Father. Ooh! Look at the pretty silver dapple filly over there.”I was trying to puzzle out what the sounds might mean. Then I noticed that the smallest of the odd new creatures was staring straight at me. I took a step closer, curious.Come, little one. Silfra walked toward me, moving her head to show me which way she wanted me to go. We are meant to go withthe humans now.Sure enough, the herd was already drifting ahead of the newcomers toward the nearest mountain pass. Silfra’s body blocked my view for a moment. But when I turned my head to look behind me, the small creature–a human, my dam had called it–was still gazing after me.

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Product details

Age Range: 8 - 12 years

Grade Level: 3 - 7

Lexile Measure: 660L (What's this?)

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Series: Horse Diaries (Book 1)

Paperback: 144 pages

Publisher: Random House Books for Young Readers; 37317th edition (March 24, 2009)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0375847324

ISBN-13: 978-0375847325

Product Dimensions:

5.5 x 0.4 x 7 inches

Shipping Weight: 4.8 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.7 out of 5 stars

115 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#57,117 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

My daughter loves these books!

Got this for my youngest daughter who loves horses. She is going to be a teenager come next year and I am trying to encourage her to read more. She is ADHD and severely dyslexic and struggles at times trying to read and write. When I saw this short and engaging story I thought perhaps it would help her gain the same love of reading me and my other girls share. I saw this as an opportunity and got it for her for Christmas. I was a little apprehensive at first but she looked it over and said she really likes it and will be trying to read it. I promised her if she did I would get her the rest of the series and she seems eager which I think is great.In fact just earlier this evening me, my husband and the girls were all playing a game on the computer (ok my daughters were playing we were watching but still you get my point) and I looked around and did not see her(my youngest) and asked where was she. My oldest says she was in the other room sitting there reading a book. She was sitting and reading this book we gave her without us making her or prompting her at all! That was the best Christmas gift I could have ever asked for and I got it by giving this to my daughter. I can not wait to hear her tell me all about the story later.

I bought this book for more insight about the Icelandic horse breed. My 10 year old daughter is currently using an Icelandic horse for 4H this year and stumbled upon this book in Amazon while trying to find books about Iceland. This one caught my eye and I bought it for her. She read it quickly then said, "Mom you have to read this!". So I did. I loved it. Wonderful little story about a girl and a horse. It reminded me of the "Little House on the Prairie" books. Illustrations seem similar and writing style and content too, except, the story comes mostly from the view of the horse, not the little girl. It was a good read. Safe and good.

My daughter, at 7, is smitten with horses and to find books that are written in the horse's perspective is awesome! She really enjoys the fact she gets entertainment from the book, but also gets a history lesson at the same time. There's great information concerning the breed of horse the book is about as well as information on the era and location the horse lives. In this case it's Iceland around the year 1,000 and Elska is an Icelandic filly.The book is written in chapters and introduces children to the complex stories of multiple dialogue, switching scenes, etc.

Everyone should read this book this book is sad in the middle but at the end it is a happy ending.If you have any or want any Horse"s you should read this book.If you have any but you still don"t like them you should not.There is a horse named Elska and she is a foal.She travels very far and then she learns about humans and then she stays with the humanThen she gets gifted (given) to a neighbor and Amma her owner cry"s because her father gave Elska away.And this story like all horse diary books this book is written in the horse"s own words.

This is the first book in a series. If the child in your life loves horses or stories, this is a good series for an 8 year old. There are many pony/horse stories for those even younger. I think my granddaughter has every horse series in print. She is enjoying Horse Diaries #1. I bought #2 and #3 to have on hand when she needs it. She enjoys reading every evening.

My 3rd grade daughter was introduced to these books by a friend and they're perfect! She loves horses and these stories are being narrated by the horses in them. They're educating by also being a period peice. Because she loves these stories so much, I don't even have to tell her to go read, she makes the time because she enjoys the story lines so much. I imagine we'll get all of the sequels by some point in time.

I just purchased this book (the kindle edition) earlier today. My 6 1/2 year old daughter loved this book so much that she read the entire book in a few hours time. She can't wait for me to get more in the series. She said this was one of her favorite books that she has read. My almost 9 year old daughter is also very excited to read this book as soon as she finishes the one she is currently reading. She did not always enjoy reading, so I love it when we are able to find books and series of books that she likes.

Great book. Good deal

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Horse Diaries #1: Elska PDF

Horse Diaries #1: Elska PDF
Horse Diaries #1: Elska PDF

Sabtu, 08 Mei 2010

Ebook Download , by R. A. Salvatore Fred Fields

Ebook Download , by R. A. Salvatore Fred Fields

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Ebook Download , by R. A. Salvatore Fred Fields

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, by R. A. Salvatore Fred Fields

Product details

File Size: 2129 KB

Print Length: 356 pages

Publisher: Wizards of the Coast (June 16, 2009)

Publication Date: June 23, 2009

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#62,803 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

This story serves to cap off the drow storylines surrounding Drizzt and his friends. There is a great deal of action particularly the last third of the book and you will find it hard to put down until the very end. There is little to complain about in this Dungeons & Dragons inspired series so long as you approach the story for what it is. While there is little hints towards possible romances there little to be found there. What you will find in apple amounts are insane fights, extraordinary Magic and completely out of the blue you Mur that will have your side's hurting.

Another enjoyable adventure with the companions of the hall. There was many enjoyable places and characters in the book my favorite was the return of Harkel Harpel and his mystical nonsense and his bond with Robilliard. I loved there trip to the Spirit Soaring and Cadderly the powerful priest who built it. The riddle was also an interesting plot point for I had my doubts about who the riddle was talking about and my doubts proved correct. All in all another enjoyable addition to the Drizzt series.

This is one of my favorite books of the series so far. An epic war through the Undercity tunnels beneath Mithral Hall and above on the surface between the combined armies of Mithral Hall and allies (even a surprising new ally) versus the Drow and their slave humanoid army.

I bought this book to replace a soft copy to complete my collection of all 33 volumes. Salvadore's books are great. I especially like Drizzt's musings. The huge detailed story line interwoven with other parts of Faerun including stories, maps, etc. also make for a fun read.

Excellent continuation of the saga of Drizzt and his faithful companions. I always enjoyed the books that focused more on the Drow and the Underdark by Salvatore, and this one falls under that category, specifically with the Drow invading Mitral Hall for slightly fuzzy reasons, but hey it makes for a fun read. I enjoyed the growing relationship between Drizzt and Catti-brie and their interactions, and Pwents special brigade of berserker dwarves, the Gutbuster Brigade. All in all, another good read in Salvatores FR series of adventures.

Book 1 of the Legend of Drizzt series, Homeland, was a hard read at first with the long complicate names but once I got past that I really liked it and decided to keep reading. I've now read 25+ books from RA Salvatore and would recommend all Legend of Drizzt, Hunters Blade, Transitions, and Neverwinter books as great fantasy reads. Salvatore has such great character development and interesting new adventures that make you want to keep reading. There is a fair amount of fighting, if you're not into that I'd still recommend these books, just read through those parts fast.

The siege of darkness has a lot more romance and character development than Salvotores earlier books (excluding the first three books,) but if you are in it for the action this book has plenty. To be brutally honest ( not to say that I did not like the book), Salvatore really fleshed out Cattie bries character and her relationship with Drizzt, which is good if you found her interesting in the first place, but if you are like me and don't care about her one way or the other it can get a little boring at times. Overall another great book from a great author.

If you have made it this far then you know a bit about the books. I love this installation into the series. Epic battle between good and evil.

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Jumat, 07 Mei 2010

PDF Ebook Nasha: The First Dog

PDF Ebook Nasha: The First Dog

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Nasha: The First Dog

Nasha: The First Dog

Nasha: The First Dog

PDF Ebook Nasha: The First Dog

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Nasha: The First Dog

About the Author

Some people think Michael Milone has a wonderful life, and he agrees with them. He lives in a beautiful part of New Mexico with his wife, Sheri, two dogs, and lots of cats. They have a xeriscape garden that is mostly native plants and requires little water. Birds and desert animals enjoy their garden, and among their visitors is a bobcat family. Because he works at home, Michael gets to see his garden and the visiting animals many times during the day.Dr. Milone gets up very early every day so he can swim, bike, run, or work out at the gym. He has completed more than 30 marathons, including Boston, two Ironman races, and hundreds of other races. In the winter, he goes skiing or snowboarding when he can.Among his odd hobbies are juggling, woodworking, and fly-fishing. He ties his own flies, and if he manages to catch a fish, he releases it. He enjoys golf, tennis, and surfing, although he confesses that he simply doesn't have enough time to do justice to these pastimes. He loves to cook food that is tasty, healthy, and simple to prepare.Dr. Michael Milone is a nationally recognized assessment specialist and award-winning educational writer. He earned a Ph.D. in 1978 from The Ohio State University and has served in an adjunct capacity at Ohio State, the University of Arizona, Gallaudet University, and New Mexico State University. He has taught in regular and special education programs at all levels, holds a Master of Arts degree from Gallaudet University, and is fluent in American Sign Language.

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Product details

Paperback: 224 pages

Publisher: Academic Therapy Pubns (August 3, 2009)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1571285172

ISBN-13: 978-1571285171

Package Dimensions:

7 x 4.5 x 0.7 inches

Shipping Weight: 7.2 ounces

Average Customer Review:

5.0 out of 5 stars

7 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#3,249,856 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

Arrived in perfect condition, i have read this before and wanted my own copy, very good book.

I read Nasha when it was initially published in 2009 and enjoyed it immensely. I purchased copies for my grand-daughters who both love dogs and they were excited to read about Nasha and how young Maddia cared for the tiny 'wolf-pup'. My grand-daughters went on an adventure in a primitive world with Maddia and her brother Lakus who not surprisingly are like young teens in every place and every time. There is danger, loyalty and courage displayed. But the most interesting passages throughout the book show how necessity is truly the mother of invention. Maddia and her young friends are forced to create inventions of their own in a time when each discovery was a first and very important to the community, especially adding Nasha the first dog to the human family. Delightful story, pleasant tale for all ages.

WOW! What a find! Nasha: The First Dog. I first received this book from the author, Michael Milone, when I worked at Arena Press. Somehow, I put in in the drawer in my coffee table and didn’t read it at that time. I am so happy I found it recently and I am reading it now, almost five years later. I LOVE this book. I feel like I am inside a movie watching the scene unfold in front of me and can’t wait to see what happens next. GREAT job Michael Milone. Thank you for the gift of your words!

Milone has done a really good job of weaving prehistoric milestones in human development into an exciting story that never feels rushed or too slow. The book is full of interesting descriptions and ideas, adventures, dangers, and discoveries. For an adult interested in prehistory or historical fiction, for a kid who wants an adventure a little more mature, and realistic, than Harry Potter's, or for any dog lover, this book is a good bet.

Michael Milone, thank you for getting me to think about the many stunning innovations, inventions and relationships that led to ancient people's earliest inventions and their first domestic relationships with animals and plants. You've done a great job thinking about the importance of "our" earliest achievements and how they may have come about. Thanks to you these achievements don't seem so very remote from our current world. What a worthwhile reminder for youth and adult readers! Thank you...

This book really has come to life characterization of early man. It is educational yet spellbinding. It should appeal to all over the age of ten.,especially dog lovers! A great addition for all public and school libraries. Nasha becomes imbedded in your mind!

This book is very well written. The story is captivating. I finished it a while ago, but it's still on my mind. I highly reccommend Nasha: The First Dog.

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Minggu, 02 Mei 2010

Download Ebook The Book of Common Prayer Study Edition: Blue Paperback

Download Ebook The Book of Common Prayer Study Edition: Blue Paperback

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The Book of Common Prayer Study Edition: Blue Paperback

The Book of Common Prayer Study Edition: Blue Paperback

The Book of Common Prayer Study Edition: Blue Paperback

Download Ebook The Book of Common Prayer Study Edition: Blue Paperback

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The Book of Common Prayer Study Edition: Blue Paperback

Product details

Paperback: 1001 pages

Publisher: CHURCH PUBLISHING INC (September 1, 1979)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0898691796

ISBN-13: 978-0898691795

Product Dimensions:

4 x 1.2 x 5.8 inches

Shipping Weight: 13.6 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.4 out of 5 stars

366 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#324,230 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

I'm a new member to the Episcopal church and have wanted my own BCP. This ended up being everything I wanted it to be. It's about the same size as my travel bible so it is easy to bring along with me and the print isn't overly small until you get to the historical documents in the back. The only thing that would make it better would be a zippered binding to help preserve the pages but all in all, I am very pleased with it. It includes a section at the beginning for Baptism, Confirmation and Marriage and two bookmarks. It's a really beautiful book and the pictures really don't do it justice.

When I recently became a member of the Episcopal Church, I decided to purchase a personal copy of the Book of Common Prayer (BCP). I like everything about this wonderful book. It contains all of the Church’s liturgical prayers, including two rites of the Holy Eucharist, the Daily Office, and prayers for many special occasions. It also contains the complete Book of Psalms, and a list of Bible readings for every day of the year. I use my BCP primarily for my morning and evening prayers.My BCP measures about 7¾” x 5½ “x 1¾,” so it is a perfect size for me. It has a durable cloth-over-board hard cover that feels very solid in my hands. The binding appears to be sewn rather than glued, which makes it more durable and allows me to lay it flat when opened. The paper is smooth but not glossy, and of sufficient weight to make it reasonably wrinkle- and tear-resistant. The text is set in a font that’s very crisp, clear, and easy to read. The book’s page edges are not gilded, and there are no marker ribbons.I am very pleased with my new Book of Common Prayer. Although it is not a substitute for the Bible, which is the cornerstone of my Christian faith, it is a very useful guide for me in my daily prayer and meditation. Highly recommended.

I have two Kindle versions of the BCP, both the one by Episcopal Church and Christian Miracle Foundation Press (EC for short) as well as the one by Church Publishing (CP). I feel like they each have pros and cons, and I'm happy to have both. I'm placing this same review in both locations.I prefer the formatting in the CP; it's a bit cleaner. However, the EC includes the page numbers which, while it can be disruptive while reading, certainly helps me to find a particular page quickly.The Table of Contents in the CP is short and easy to navigate while the one in the EC is very long and takes forever to get through. So the CP TOC will get you to a general area of the book, while the EC TOC will get you to exactly the spot that you want. I don't use the TOC often because I just bookmark all the main spots that I want to get to quickly.One thing that I love about the EC is that in the Daily Office Lectionary, the Psalms readings are hyperlinked to the Psalter, making it very easy to move back and forth between the two sections of the book.Both books occasionally crash the Kindle app, but it does seem like the CP version does it more often.If I had to choose only one (which, realistically, I should have), it would be the EC version. I find that its pros outweigh its cons, and it's less than a third of the price of the CP version.

Paging is different than the original book, which creates problems. Page numbers are an important reference during the course of Episcopal servicces.

This book will be useful to Christians of many denominations especially those that celebrate Holy Communion (Eucharist) regularly and have traditional Christian observances like Ash Wednesday and the like. It is probably particularly appropriate for Methodists, Lutherans, Episcopalian, Catholic, Orthodox and Anglicans. The majority of the book is or comes from scripture. Much of the language and material from the original book of Common Prayer in 1549 has obviously been updated although the original statements are included. Many of the prayers are particularly thoughtful---see Prayer for the Church # 7 page 816. The copy I received is nice quality blue leather, two ribbon markers, quality sewn binding and gold gilt page edge.

Perfect for my moments of quiet contemplation and prayer. As an Anglican, I was given a copy of 'The Book of Common Prayer' by my church's reverend at my confirmation at age 15, back in 1995. She had written a short prayer inside and I used and cherished that copy greatly over the years, even to this day. Although I still have it for sentimental reasons, I purchased this new copy because it has nice, larger print and can handle more daily use of wear and tear. I hope to continue to use both for decades to come, and hopefully, pass both on to any future children I may have.

For me, this is the only version of the 1979 BCP to own. Excellent binding, and the pages lie flat. Also, the print size is perfect for anyone of any age.

Terribly disappointed and hope to get my purchase price refunded. This ebook freezes frequently, and apparently the psalter is not available at all. Navigation system is next to worthless. It would have been so helpful to have, in order to lighten the load. Bah humbug.

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The Book of Common Prayer Study Edition: Blue Paperback PDF

The Book of Common Prayer Study Edition: Blue Paperback PDF
The Book of Common Prayer Study Edition: Blue Paperback PDF