Senin, 15 Agustus 2011

Download , by Christina J Michaels

Download , by Christina J Michaels

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, by Christina J Michaels

, by Christina J Michaels

, by Christina J Michaels

Download , by Christina J Michaels

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, by Christina J Michaels

Product details

File Size: 2146 KB

Print Length: 314 pages

Publisher: Finfolkaheem Publishers (November 1, 2017)

Publication Date: November 1, 2017

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#170,977 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

Set against the historical setting of Georgian England and the society that swirled around the Willis's Rooms of Almack's, this tale kept me enraptured; I read it in a day. The protagonists are flawed but likable, their strengths also being their weaknesses; the villain realistic enough to be more than a silhouette. I found the pacing perfect. I shall recommend this books to my friends, and keep an eager eye out for more romance or historical fiction by Ms. Michaels..

I enjoyed this book, and certainly recommend it. The author, Christina Michaels, obviously did her homework on eighteenth century life in London. I very much liked the extensive use of old English words and terms she used in her story. Basically “Caught” is a romantic novel, set in London in 1772, about a group of young aristocratic friends and their families; each with different personalities, sets of goals and therefore problems, trials and tribulations. Ms Michaels does a good job of giving her readers the feeling of being with her characters in that time and place. And happily, “Caught” kept me guessing how it would actually turn out until the very end. I would classify it a “really good read”.

Historical Romance is not a genre I usually read, but I enjoyed Caught by Christina Michaels. At the beginning, I thought the plot would be the same formula as many Regency period stories. Not so. Michaels wove in the challenge of British politicians to deal with the threat of treason and anarchy for those supporting the impending uprising of colonists in America. Such historical background brought intrigue to the story.The characters had depth and personality, and most of the dialogue seemed appropriate for the historical period. Ms. Michael’s description of the behavior and dress of 18th century British aristocrats was well-researched and very impressive. I can’t even imagine having to live up to the social standards of the elite in 1792.Overall, the story was well-told. Some chapters at the beginning seemed endless with numerous scene changes. It might add a higher level of organization to break some of them up to make additional chapters. Regardless, I highly recommend Caught to those who enjoy a solid historical romance.

This was a great read, a real page turner of dramatic romance. The period details are especially charming and the characters engrossing. It paints a picture we are all too familiar with the intrigue of slander that resonates with the present day as we see such things unfold it echos our human foibles as timeless flaws of character.

I'm not someone who generally reads or enjoys Historical Romance, but this book came highly recommended by friends with good taste, so I gave it a try. I was VERY pleasantly surprised! The characters are believable - flawed, even! - the writing is of high quality, and even the story-line itself actually felt plausible in the context of the times/settings. I loved the softly feminist & racially/socially-aware undertones present throughout, and was also pleased to see that much much more than simply romantic "pining" or someone's "sexual awakening" were the crux of the plot. I honestly ripped through this in about a day. I will absolutely read more by this author!

I tried very hard to give this book a chance (even if it got a little painful to read) and while I did finish it, the only thing it caught was my annoyance. Caught was not a horrible book - the premise was not a bad idea. It reminded me of Austin, but fell short of reaching such greatness. The plot seemed to drag on. The dialog was often tedious. The characters - some were charming and showed promise (I wished Brenda had been the star of the book), but I grew to dislike Alison and her immature antics and Robert seemed stuck in his need for 'honor.' The lone sex scene seemed unnecessary and awkward in both description and placement. Most irritating is the books need of an editor. Michaels tried to write in the 'language of the period,' but i think that ultimately ruined the book for me - for it was executed horribly. While I would love to suggest this read to another historical romance lover, I I'm good conscious can not.

Very enjoyable book! This was a consistent, fast-paced read. Characters are well developed, writing is colorful and the plot has layers of intrigue. Dialogue/parlay is somewhat modern (but then, if it were true to era we wouldn't understand it at all). Would recommend. :)

Love it! It's the perfect companion on our vacation!

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