Minggu, 26 Juli 2015

Ebook Free , by Henry Hampton Halley Cheryl Sterling

Ebook Free , by Henry Hampton Halley Cheryl Sterling

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, by Henry Hampton Halley Cheryl Sterling

, by Henry Hampton Halley Cheryl Sterling

, by Henry Hampton Halley Cheryl Sterling

Ebook Free , by Henry Hampton Halley Cheryl Sterling

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, by Henry Hampton Halley Cheryl Sterling

Product details

File Size: 11586 KB

Print Length: 864 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Up to 5 simultaneous devices, per publisher limits

Publisher: Zondervan; 25th edition (September 9, 2008)

Publication Date: September 9, 2008

Sold by: HarperCollins Publishing

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#205,929 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

Absolutely a MUST for Bible readers, for Biblical history, Church history, information about ancient pre-Christian era, This Biblical source has been known world wide as the top Bible study, Biblical history, (with B/W photos) and includes many extraordinary photos of early photographs of Archeology finds. There has been (to date), over 100 or more re-printings since the book came out in the early 1900s, including over "1,000,000" copies have been sold and or given away. Hailey's Bible Handbook has been and still is one of the most complete and comprehensive books of it's kind in the world! Also included in the book is the History of the Christian church, and including an excellent commentary of all the Bible (books). My late Pastor told me decades ago, that Hailey's Bible handbook that is a MUST HAVE for ALL Pastors, Christian Bible teachers, as well as Scientists, Archaeologists, as well as all other peoples will be amazed and astounded by this incredible book! Hailey's Bible Hand Book is a "MUST" for Pastors, students studying in school for the ministry, as well as for anyone and everyone. Over "1 MILLION" (or more copies of Hailey's Bible Handbook have been sold over the many decades since it came out, and sold in almost every country in the world. I don't normally take a lot time to critique an "item", but in this case, this item, (Hailey's Bible Hand Book" REALLY IS A MUST for those wanting a comprehensive study of and about Christian history, Biblical archaeological discoveries, and a multitude of other related Christian and Biblical findings and information. In my opinion, Hailey's Bible Handbook is one of the most important books ever written, (besides the Bible being NUMBER 1.!)

This review had nothing to do with content, which deserves a 5 star rating. This is a review of the mechanics of the kindle edition. I guess the price should have given it away. There are no hot links within the ebook. The index lists page numbers rather than location number. This makes the index totally useless. The table of contents links are too general. There are no easy ways to get to individual books of the Bible. I tried bookmarking them. However, bookmarks are listed under notes making it difficult to find your bookmarks.

I bought this for historical and comparison purposes. Other versions of Halley's Bible Handbook are highly recommended. This edition is very disappointing. There are YouTube videos and books like "Billy Graham And His Friends: A Hidden Agenda?" by Dr. Cathy Burns (page 440) that document the removal of warnings against Roman Catholicism. I recommend a higher quality hardback edition of the old Halley's. Get the unedited 22nd edition (1959) if you can handle the Catholic atrocities of church history. An excellent alternative is the old "Unger's Bible Handbook" (1966). If you're a Catholic or collector of "Billy Graham Crusade Edition" books, you may want this edition. See statistics below for more info.AUTHOR: Henry Hampton Halley (1874-1965)OMITTED PAGES: 220OMITTED SECTIONS: Church History, Archaeological Discoveries, Summary of Places & others.EDITORS: Billy Graham Evangelistic Association & Roman Catholic associates.FORMAT: Thick acidic paperback.SIZE: 17 x 11 x 3.5 cmQUALITY: Newspaper with brownish-yellow pages.PAGES: 640PUBLISHED: 1962EDITION: 23rd, "special edition"SOURCE: Physical copy.ISBN: 210021?ID: Library of Congress Card Number: 32-8057PUBLISHER: Grason Company, Minneapolis.COMPARISON USED: Halley's 24th ed., 1965, 860 pages, ISBN 0310257204.ALTERNATIVE: Unger's Bible Handbook.

I bought this specific one as a gift, for a new Christian who was having a hard time navigating the Bible.......I have always kept one near to my books of value, Bible being "Ultimate #1!".... But my newly born sister was not willing to dig, dig, dig daily! Ya, know.... The go to Church on Sunday, grab a few cool verses that fit life off facebook, or Bible apps, and rarely spend over an hour in the word a WEEK! .....As for usefulness, priceless *Even as the time wrote, many things have come about since the 50's 60's.... And if you have ANY person that is hungry for God's Word. *Of course a Bible is sufficient! This is just a great post-gift if already have Bible... Because, well *It is self-explanitory "A Bible hand-book"!....... Great gift to others and yourself! Many gems of statistics, dates, explanations of main thrust of each 66 books of The Bible, and so much more! Buy! Buy! Buy! As our Biblical freedom will be halted in the nearing future....I would rather Prep with a Duffle bag of Bibles, than a duffle bag of food, suplies and defence items!... Both are worthy of doing. Yet I allow the 1st to take presidence... love you all!....

A commentary from an author that accepts the Scripture as written is more valuable than a thousand by authors who don't. As an adult Sunday school teacher for decades I've a commentaries that were clearly biased or poorly written It sometimes seemed the author's goal was to write enough words to make a book out of their commentary rather than to clearly explain the Scripture. I've always found this handbook to be concise, accurate and informative.

I LOVE Halley's handbook as a quick go to for easily finding out a bit of information about a place or the back ground of a verse or book of the Bible. What I don't like about this Kindle version (and why I didn't give a full 5 stars) is because I find it difficult to easily go to book or chapter. Maybe I don't understand how it works? But seems to me it should be pretty simple. I have to go to the start of the OT or NT and flip my way, page by page to get to the book I want to read about. Doesn't seem right?!

Just what a handbook should be, plus! Two of the great features are his between the testaments and his brief church history.

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Sabtu, 25 Juli 2015

Free PDF Submission: A Novel, by Michel Houellebecq

Free PDF Submission: A Novel, by Michel Houellebecq

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Submission: A Novel, by Michel Houellebecq

Submission: A Novel, by Michel Houellebecq

Submission: A Novel, by Michel Houellebecq

Free PDF Submission: A Novel, by Michel Houellebecq

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Submission: A Novel, by Michel Houellebecq


"Submission may be the most relevant book of the year." ―Daniel D'Addario, Time"Houellebecq is considered a great contemporary author, and one cannot be said to be keeping abreast of contemporary literature without reading his work . . . What prevents me from reading Houellebecq and watching von Trier is a kind of envy ― not that I begrudge them success, but by reading the books and watching the films I would be reminded of how excellent a work of art can be, and of how far beneath that level my own work is." ―Karl Ove Knausgaard, The New York Times Book Review“The political elements of Submission are so comically exaggerated that it's hard to take them very seriously . . . This is the novel's big joke. It's designed to agitate the right by suggesting the right may have a point about the erosion of France's national culture, and to tweak the left by lending ironic credence to the right's fears . . . The only time Houellebecq seems not to be joking is when Francois speaks about literature . . . Whatever it says or doesn't say about Europe and Islam, Submission is a love letter to the novel itself.” ―Christian Lorentzen, New York Magazine“Houellebecq's recent work―especially The Map and the Territory, one of the finest novels of the 21st century―is elegant, sad, all the more discomfiting in that we never quite know how much subtlety to credit the author with. Houellebecq writes on shifting sands. But I think he might just be permanent.” ―Michael Robbins,The Chicago Tribune“In Submission, Houellebecq is no less afraid to foment than in previous works, but his audacity serves a purpose that may not be immediately evident. His goal in this quasi-dystopian novel is to cast a light on contemporary French society and the deficiencies he perceives and to suggest that the future he predicts isn't wholly beyond the realm of possibility . . . A challenging satire that, at its best, is subtler than its author's reputation might lead you to expect.” ―Michael Margas, The San Francisco Chronicle“Houellebec's deadpan comedic edge . . . defies the reader to find the line between parody and philosophy . . . What Houellebecq has done in Submission is hold up a mirror to his readers. The charge is that he inflames animosity by depicting a Muslim-influenced France as something of which Europeans should be frightened. But he puts readers and critics in the position of having to specify what exactly is frightening about this France.” ―S. Mark Heim, The Christian Century “Michel Houellebecq: butcher. Messy slaughterer of sacred cows. Disembowler of all modes of political correctness, from the myth of the modern male's respect for women to the laughable fiction of the liberal Westerner's respect for non-Western cultures. That's the story, anyway. Like most good stories, it isn't true, for the most part . . . [Submission] is a work of genius, sure―with Houellebecq that goes without saying. But it's not a slaughterhouse. It's a upper-middle-class supermarket, brightly but not harshly lit, stocked with sushi, expensive cheeses, organic vegetables, olive oils, and honeys. It's not food for thought. It's an empty stomach. It's heartbreaking. It's utopia.” ―Micaela Morrissette, Bomb“The prose, which never fails to be consistent and accessible, continued to impress page after page . . . Perhaps the highest achievement of [Submission] is the way it manages to be a satire with a core of deep humanism running through it.” ―Popmatters“Extraordinary . . . if there is anyone in literature today, not just in French but worldwide, who is thinking about the sort of enormous shifts we all feel are happening, it’s [Houellebecq].” ―Emmanuel Carrere, Le Monde“A work of real literary distinction . . . [Houellebecq] has been the novelist who has most fearlessly and presciently tackled the rise of Islamic extremism in recent years . . . He is a writer with a gift for telling the truth, unlike any other in our time – I’ve been consistently saying he is the writer who matters most to me for many years now. I’ve read Submission twice in the last week with ever growing admiration and enjoyment. There’s been no English-language novel this good lately. With Submission Houellebecq has inserted himself right into the centre of the intellectual debate that was already raging in France about Islam and identity politics . . . There is nobody else writing now more worth reading.” ―David Sexton, Evening Standard“Houellebecq has an unerring, Balzacian flair for detail, and his novels provide an acute, disenchanted anatomy of French middle-class life . . . Houellebecq writes about Islam with curiosity, fascination, even a hint of envy.” ―Adam Shatz, London Review of Books“[Submission's] moral complexity, concerned above all with how politics shape-or annihilate-personal ethics, is singular and brilliant . . . This novel is not a paranoid political fantasy; it merely contains one. Houellebecq's argument becomes an investigation of the content of ideology, and he has written an indispensable, serious book that returns a long-eroded sense of consequence, immediacy, and force to contemporary literature.” ―Publishers Weekly (starred review)

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About the Author

Michel Houellebecq is a French novelist, poet, and literary critic. His novels include the international bestsellerThe Elementary Particles and The Map and the Territory, which won the 2010 Prix Goncourt. He lives in France.

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Product details

Paperback: 256 pages

Publisher: Picador; Translation edition (October 25, 2016)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1250097347

ISBN-13: 978-1250097347

Product Dimensions:

5.6 x 0.7 x 8.3 inches

Shipping Weight: 8 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.0 out of 5 stars

344 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#34,410 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

I don't know how to classify this masterpiece of a novel that seems capture the zeitgeist of Europe on the verge of a cultural clash as a result of decades of multiculturalism gone wrong. Thoughtful, decadent, almost modernist, the story follows an indifferent professor who specializes in one poet in particular, who watches as the elections in a not-too-distant Paris create a coalition between an Islamist faction and an a liberal faction. The protagonist lives a life of sexual indulgence and general apathy to life, but is constantly presented with a philosophical alternative in the new Islamic regime that follows the election. The book is pornographic in places, but relentlessly philosophical and imbued with an disillusionment evocative of post-WWI literature like Ernest Hemingway. It's a dark read, but it does leave you thinking about so much more than Islam when its done. Never polemical towards Islam, it is still blunt and realistic about the manner which this Islamic regime takes over France. And no, it's not like a Muslim version of 1984, but more like an Islamic version of Brave New World at least in its moral assessment or at least whatever is being assessed morally, because the main character is patently amoral. If you love philosophical dystopian reads, this book is for you!

This is the best novel Ive read in years. It is supposedly a satire but is all too believable. The subject matter is the gradual take over in France by the Islamic Party in a stunning general election, and the subsequent, rather easy slide by France into living under Islamic law and traditions. It is scary and totally credible. The writing is gripping.

This novel is far more a portrait of contemporary society than any inflammatory depiction of Islam. Houellebecq's protagonist, Francois, is the modern human who goes through life devoid of meaning, passion, any cherished human connection or deeply held beliefs. Sex and gourmandise fail to provide even momentary joy. His academic pursuits at least provide diversion and prestige, but they are not particularly fulfilling. This regime, that regime; it's hard to see how it could make any substantive difference to Francois.This is the masterful means by which we come to observe several sociological truths. First, nature abhors a vacuum; ergo those who do believe in something will trump the apathetic, the nihilist, and the anomic. Second, the family is a core unit of society; ergo the fraying of ties accompanied by the increased atomization of the individual poses a threat to the societal tapestry that must be addressed. Religions and other ideologies tend to fill the interstices, the cracks that form, rather effectively in a society. The filler in the 2022 France of Submission is a moderate Islam, a religion that already had traction due to Islamic immigration and a high birth rate.Rest assured that no terrorism is involved; that would be "amateurish" and repugnant. The multiple parties vying for power in France fracture the political system enough to allow the Islamic party to assume power with just 22% of the vote. Those who believe the events described to be totally implausible must not know history. Having lived in places where regime change dramatically transformed societies virtually overnight, I disagree vehemently. As for the criticism that a university would never allow itself to be subsumed into such an ideology, I counter with a decade of teaching experience in the university and another decade as a keen observer. Intellectuals can be co-opted and paid off as easily as other segments of society and are--witness the endowed chairs and the political bent they often have that supports the donors' so neatly. In Submission's Université of Paris, there is abundant money flowing from the Gulf States to fund it all; salaries rise astronomically and those employees who no longer fit are paid sumptuous pensions. Why complain? Now they're free to do their research without the pesky teaching responsibilities. The regime change privileges males: patriarchy is acknowledged as reflective of the order and hierarchy present in nature. Women are relegated to the domestic sphere; polygamy becomes normalized. Again, those privileged by the system are unlikely to complain.This is a compelling page turner of a novel. It is intelligently written and as a result makes the reader feel smart. It does what great literature should do: it illuminates aspects of the human experience that are both changeless and quite specific to our time. Houellebecq reveals that, despite our disavowals, the undeniable human craving for the meaning and connection that is lacking in their lives can lead them down some rather unexpected paths.

This is a fictional book written about the near future of France. The main character is a literature professor at the Sorbonne who leads a depressed and dissolute life. The main point is that Western Civilization is dying and France will be the first to go. This book was written in 2015 and is set in 2022.It focuses on the 2022 presidential elections where the two main contenders are the anti-immigrant National Front and the Muslim Brotherhood. Most people are either resigned to a Muslim takeover or want to resist it. Houellebecq predicts that the two centrist parties, who have dominated French politics since World War II, will fall apart at this time. These are the center-left Socialist Party and the center-right Union for a Popular Movement (renamed The Republicans since the book was written). But we now know that the French electorate already abandoned these two main parties in 2017 and elected the independent Macron as president (who has since formed a party called The Republic on March).In 2022 the presidential election results in the usual runoff between the top vote getters where the National Front got the most votes followed by the Muslim Brotherhood. The question is whom will the two centrist parties support. It turns out that the only party which wants to save France is the National Front. The centrist parties have always wanted to have France just be a part of the European Union so they throw their support to the Muslim Brotherhood. The Muslim Brotherhood has a similar objective in that it wants France to be the first victory in forming a European Caliphate. As usual the public follows the elites and the Muslims win.The Muslims waste no time in transforming France and the mainstream parties follow. The Muslims' objective is to make France family-centered so they drastically cut the welfare budget which allows single people to live alone off the welfare system. Meanwhile they strengthen welfare subsidies to families. Then they transform education by making mandatory state education end at age 14. All high schools and universities are privatized which means they have no government support. Most of them become Muslim as Gulf states such as Saudi Arabia fund them. All teachers have to be Muslims at the Muslim schools. Polygamy is enacted but is limited to four wives and all Muslim women have to wear veils. The irony here is that most of the reforms follow the right wing agenda except for the preservation of France.The Sorbonne becomes a Muslim university, everyone is fired, and only Muslims can be hired. So the professor is faced with the choice of whether he wants to become a Muslim to get back into the Sorbonne. Since he is a renown professor he is offered three times his former salary. This is enough for three young wives. He decides to go along with the trend and becomes a Muslim as it is the best deal available.Nevertheless the Muslims realize that they still need to play by the rules of democracy for now. The next presidential election is scheduled for 2027. The public is resigned to the attitude that what must happen will happen so continued Muslim rule is most likely.Meanwhile it is now 2018 and it seems that France cannot possibly become a Muslim state by 2022 as the book predicts. But if you look at 2032 or 2042 it is much more possible. Islam is a growing and confident culture while Western Europe is mired in self-loathing and guilt-mongering with its native population declining. Its culture of extreme individualism has diminished its birth rate and made way for a Muslim takeover. All this confirms the point made by the famous historian Toynbee that civilizations usually die by suicide.

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Submission: A Novel, by Michel Houellebecq PDF

Submission: A Novel, by Michel Houellebecq PDF

Submission: A Novel, by Michel Houellebecq PDF
Submission: A Novel, by Michel Houellebecq PDF

Senin, 20 Juli 2015

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, by T.K. Chapin

Product details

File Size: 2805 KB

Print Length: 234 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publisher: Branch Publishing (June 12, 2018)

Publication Date: June 12, 2018

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#10,868 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

A Reason To Live: An Inspirational Romance (A Reason To Love Book 1)Of all the books of T K Chapin that I have read this one was the most real to me. Five weeks ago I lost my wife to pancreatic cancer. From her diagnosis until her death was 9 weeks. It was very aggressive and caused a lot of pain. As I sat at her bedside, I went through the exact reactions that Johnathan did in this book. I wanted her to go and be with the Lord so that her pain would finish but I wanted her to stay for me. As I write this comment, I do so with tears in my eyes and rolling down my cheeks. These tears are not for her but for me as she is in that better place and she will never return to me but I will go to her. Either T.K. has gone through this experience or he has done a lot of research because as I read it, I was right there. A truth that is brought out to Johnathan that was an encouragement to me was when he recognised that Marie did not belong to him but she belonged to the Lord. Thank you T.K. for this book. I hope that it will be a help to others as it has been to me and that by the grace of God and his wisdom, you will write many more.

This book was very good, cute until 3/4 of the way through. I cannot handle a book that the main character's can't decide what they want in a relationship so they go back and forth. In this case they separated for 1 1/2 years.When they come across each other again the story went to fast then cut to short. She agreed to marry him the poof the story was done. I feel it needs an epilogue. I'm not inspired to buy another one of this author's books.

A Reason to Live, book one by T. K. Chapin in his latest series A Reason to Love is a delightful story showing how God’s love is there no matter the brokenness of an individual. Jonathan and Kylie’s story will pull at your heartstrings. Kylie’s past was not easy and Jonathan is caring for his two year niece whose mother is heading down the wrong path in life. Sweet little Rose brought the two together when Jonathan needed a nanny. Kylie loved God and Jonathan had put Him on the back shelf after the death of his wife. Will there be a way for Kylie’s faith and witness brings healing to Jonathan?Chapin’s brought true to life issues in society today into this easy to read tale even with tears flowing to show how broken lives can be healed with dreams fulfilled by God’s amazing love, grace and mercy. This is the first book I’ve read by Chapin, but it will not be my last one. I’m glad to discover another Christian author creating stories that are wholesome without any violence, sex and profanity in it.

Every new book by Mr. Chapin becomes my new favorite. This story was exceptional. It is filled with real life, the spiritual struggles, lreaning to love God above everyone and everything, finding God's love is always surrounding His children, trusting in His plan and His timing; so much depth in the story and wonderful, complex characters. I couldn't lay this one down.

TJ Chapin has such a powerful way of weaving God’s loving presence into all circumstances... despite doubts and uncertainties, we see God weaving faith, love, and forgiveness into two very broken individuals!

I loved this book. So true and empowering. So many hurting people need to read T K Chapin for help to find their way. Easy to read & full of widom.

Wonderful love story. Great romantic adventure and the ending was great too. Everything is better when you put God first. Starting out with friendship and ending with love is amazing. I will certainly recommend this book

The author did a great job with this book.I have enjoyed reading this book ,it was exciting,romantic inspirational.I had to keep reading to see what happens next.I am looking forward to reading more books of T.K.Chapin.

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Minggu, 05 Juli 2015

Ebook Free The Strain Book Three: The Night Eternal

Ebook Free The Strain Book Three: The Night Eternal

The Strain Book Three: The Night Eternal

The Strain Book Three: The Night Eternal

The Strain Book Three: The Night Eternal

Ebook Free The Strain Book Three: The Night Eternal

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The Strain Book Three: The Night Eternal


"What's immediately evident after viewing the extended trailer is how much the Dark Horse graphic novels by renowned comics creator Lapham and artist Huddleston have influenced the visual identity of the TV show. Del Toro worked closely with Dark Horse and the evidence is everywhere." -CBS Man Cave"A must-buy." -We the Nerdy"Creepy . . . [and] chill inducing." -Entertainment Weekly"Phenomenal." -The Nerdist "If you're enjoying the TV series, then you better get the Strain comic right now." -Bloody Disgusting

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About the Author

David Lapham is an American comic book writer, artist, and cartoonist, best known for his work on the independent comic book, Stray Bullets. David Lapham started his career in 1990 as a penciller at Valiant Comics. He went on to work under editor Jim Shooter at Defiant Comics, where they co-created Warriors of Plasm in 1993. 2009 saw the release of Dark Horse: Noir, which included Stray Bullets. The author lives in Carefree, AZ..

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Product details

Series: Strain

Hardcover: 304 pages

Publisher: Dark Horse Manga (June 7, 2016)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1616559772

ISBN-13: 978-1616559779

Product Dimensions:

7.6 x 1 x 11.2 inches

Shipping Weight: 2.8 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

5.0 out of 5 stars

2 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#304,256 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

Awesome book for the collector! Great gift for any "Strain" fan! Nice hard cover and artwork.

New just as I bought it.

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The Strain Book Three: The Night Eternal PDF

The Strain Book Three: The Night Eternal PDF
The Strain Book Three: The Night Eternal PDF