Sabtu, 22 April 2017

Free Ebook , by Terrie Todd

Free Ebook , by Terrie Todd

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, by Terrie Todd

, by Terrie Todd

, by Terrie Todd

Free Ebook , by Terrie Todd

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, by Terrie Todd

Product details

File Size: 3905 KB

Print Length: 370 pages

Publisher: Waterfall Press (January 31, 2017)

Publication Date: January 31, 2017

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#22,711 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

Fantastic second book by author Terrie Todd!Maggie is a character from Terrie’s first book, “The Silver Suitcase”, but Maggie’s War is a stand-alone story. The characters are authentic and the writing is humorous and quick paced. You’ll find yourself liking these characters and understanding a little more how personal history can shape people, as well as how God changes people. I will highly recommend this to all my book-loving friends!

Maggie's War by Terri Todd is a wonderful story about life in Canada during World War II. Maggie runs a restaurant that uses the help of young, unmarried pregnant girls as staff. As bad as that sounds Maggie truly has a soft heart for these girls even though she certainly doesn't show it. . She provides room and board plus a small income to these girls and helps with the adoption after their baby is born. Everything is going smoothly for Maggie until she gets a telegram that her husband has been killed in the war. However, Maggie isn't the grieving widow. Suddenly her world is changing for the better or so she thinks. Throw in a runaway pregnant girl Maggie is responsible for and a twist in her late husband's will and you have a story that will keep you reading after your husband has turned out the light! Did I mention the pastor of the local church that Maggie turns to for help? Maggie's War is a spin off of The Silver Suitcase. You don't have to read it before Maggie's War but honestly why wouldn't you? Terri Todd creates characters and situations that make her books so addictive. I wish I could do the story justice by writing a review that would make you buy her books immediately. The only thing I can truthfully say is Terrie Todd's books have been some of the best I have read.

The war has touched Maggie Marshall’s life in more ways than one. Maggie has received word that her husband Doug, fighting for the Canadian Army, has been declared dead. Maggie experiences a deep sense of relief at this news because her husband was abusive and she wanted a way out. Because of events in her past as a young girl, Maggie has taken it upon herself to help young girls who have found themselves in trouble. She arranges for the girls to live with her, work in her restaurant, and then helps them give their babies up for adoption. Her life has made her bitter and hard.Reverend Reuben Fennel is a childhood friend of Maggie’s. He has always had much affection for her, but has been too intimidated to do much about it. Reuben steps in when Maggie needs help finding a runaway girl. Their escapades result in some hard lessons for both of them.In “Maggie’s War” by Terrie Todd, this story unfolds gradually and eventfully. Although the reader may presume the ending, the meat of the sandwich, so to speak, is quite satisfying.I received a complimentary Kindle copy from and was under no obligation to post a review.

While I really don't enjoy stories that feature reprehensible, abusive men, and I found the character of Maggie to be completely unlikeable for 80% of the book, I still gave this book 4 stars. I do appreciate the struggles of the two women in this book, and the steps they undertook in order to overcome the wrong decisions they made, which had led to great sadness in their lives. There is Christian emphasis woven throughout the story, which ultimately led to much forgiveness and healing of wounds. Some readers find that objectionable, but I'm not one of them. I couldn't decide in the beginning if I was going to enjoy the book, due to the main character's rudeness and seemingly total lack of compassion, but am glad I stuck with it. Only one thing struck me as unrealistic, and that was when one of the main characters didn't seem to know about, much less recognize, one of the abusive men who appeared at the door late in the story. I didn't see how she would not have known about him, since he told her his name. But, that's a minor flaw. The historical aspects of life in Canada in the 40's was interesting, as were the Canadians' involvement in WWII, which I didn't know much about previously. One element surprised me, in that I had pictured Maggie, especially, and Reuben as being older than they evidently were, but that's a minor thing. All in all, I'm glad I read this book...the ending was satisfying, which is not always the case. I actually enjoyed this novel more than another of this author's books, The Silver Suitcase.

Loved this book and reflecting back to what life must have been like back in the 1940's. The book begins in a rather startling way, with the main character Maggie Marshall reflecting joyfully about the news of her becoming a widow, which immediately caught my attention. As the story unfolds we learn the truth of her abusive marriage, and why she bitterly chose to turn her home into a room and board for young pregnant unmarried girls. One character, Corrie, from Ms. Todd's previous book, "The Silver Suitcase" is brought into this story, and unknowingly is one of the catalysts in helping Maggie begin the journey to recovery. It is a story about love, loss - a little physical but much more emotional abuse coming from family, friends, acquaintances and sometimes society in general, and forgiveness and healing.I look forward to reading Ms.Todd's future books.

Terrie Todd has certainly got what it takes to rank up there with top writers of today. I've read Silver Suitcase twice and been waiting for this book to come out. When I say slower just at beginning thenIt took off and now sorry it's ended. Goog story, good plot and ending. I will probably before longgo back and read again, it's that good.

I have just discovered this author. May I say I have thoroughly enjoyed each of the books in the series. There is a freshness to the writing that refreshes me. The spiritual content is sincerely and sensitively done. The characters were so real that I hated to part with them when the series was done. May I encourage you to read each of the books in this series. Although each book is a stand alone, it is nice to see the appearance of favorites from the other books. Again I say read and enjoy!

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, by Terrie Todd PDF

Jumat, 07 April 2017

Free PDF 2019 Daily Planner; Busy AF.: Large Monthly Planner and Personal Organizer (Large Daily, Weekly and Monthly Calendar Planner), by Personal Planner

Free PDF 2019 Daily Planner; Busy AF.: Large Monthly Planner and Personal Organizer (Large Daily, Weekly and Monthly Calendar Planner), by Personal Planner

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2019 Daily Planner; Busy AF.: Large Monthly Planner and Personal Organizer (Large Daily, Weekly and Monthly Calendar Planner), by Personal Planner

2019 Daily Planner; Busy AF.: Large Monthly Planner and Personal Organizer (Large Daily, Weekly and Monthly Calendar Planner), by Personal Planner

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2019 Daily Planner; Busy AF.: Large Monthly Planner and Personal Organizer (Large Daily, Weekly and Monthly Calendar Planner), by Personal Planner

Product details

Series: Large Daily, Weekly and Monthly Calendar Planner (Book 1)

Paperback: 171 pages

Publisher: Independently published (November 21, 2018)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 173154295X

ISBN-13: 978-1731542953

Product Dimensions:

8 x 0.4 x 10 inches

Shipping Weight: 15.8 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#1,584,817 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

2019 Daily Planner; Busy AF.: Large Monthly Planner and Personal Organizer (Large Daily, Weekly and Monthly Calendar Planner), by Personal Planner PDF
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2019 Daily Planner; Busy AF.: Large Monthly Planner and Personal Organizer (Large Daily, Weekly and Monthly Calendar Planner), by Personal Planner PDF

2019 Daily Planner; Busy AF.: Large Monthly Planner and Personal Organizer (Large Daily, Weekly and Monthly Calendar Planner), by Personal Planner PDF

2019 Daily Planner; Busy AF.: Large Monthly Planner and Personal Organizer (Large Daily, Weekly and Monthly Calendar Planner), by Personal Planner PDF
2019 Daily Planner; Busy AF.: Large Monthly Planner and Personal Organizer (Large Daily, Weekly and Monthly Calendar Planner), by Personal Planner PDF