Jumat, 17 Desember 2010

PDF Download Gurps Magic

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Gurps Magic

Rare book

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Product details

Paperback: 112 pages

Publisher: Steve Jackson Games; 1st edition (January 1, 1989)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1556341296

ISBN-13: 978-1556341298

Product Dimensions:

0.3 x 8.3 x 10.9 inches

Shipping Weight: 11.2 ounces

Average Customer Review:

4.4 out of 5 stars

5 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#584,243 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

An excellent source book for what is easily one of the best RPG systems out there. Easy rules with ability to customize your own spells. Highly recommended as a source book for anyone running a GURPS 3rd edition fantasy campaign.

Another good reference for making gaming more fun.

I agree with the previous reviewer except on a couple issues. I do not like the way demons are handled. They are made to be very weak against a truly good hearted person. I also think they could have made alot more mundane magic and high powered magicks. THey stuck to the middle gound and fleshed that out very well. There were very few high powered magicks explored.

GURPS Magic is one of the many competent supplements for Steve Jackson's Generic Universal Role Playing system.Or, handy when you want to be on the receiving end of the Game Master interdimensionally hi-jacking you from the present day setting into a magic using environment. Handy for him, anyway!

Great book - not only is it easy to use (complete spell index with costs, times, and effects), but it really expands on the original Basic Set spells! All the elements are available, as well as Making & Breaking college, Movement college, and information on powerstones. This book is the perfect device (sometimes in conjuction with The Grimoire) to round out any Mage, Wizard, or dabbler in the mystical arts. A worthy investment for any GURPS player.

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Kamis, 16 Desember 2010

Download Ebook Exile of Lucifer: Chronicles of the Host, Book 1

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Exile of Lucifer: Chronicles of the Host, Book 1

Exile of Lucifer: Chronicles of the Host, Book 1

Exile of Lucifer: Chronicles of the Host, Book 1

Download Ebook Exile of Lucifer: Chronicles of the Host, Book 1

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Exile of Lucifer: Chronicles of the Host, Book 1

Product details

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Audible Audiobook

Listening Length: 10 hours and 41 minutes

Program Type: Audiobook

Version: Unabridged

Publisher: Destiny Image Publishers

Audible.com Release Date: October 6, 2015

Whispersync for Voice: Ready

Language: English, English


Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

Excellent! Very easy to read because of the concise content and flow of words. And the selected font, is easy on the eyes. Pastor and Author - D. Brian Shafer, in this Book #1 - EXILE OF LUCIFER, the first of 5 in a Book Series, entitled: 'Chronicles of the Host', inspires the reader into thinking about what may have happened in Heaven, before the Creation of the World and Mankind, as we know it. Specifically, within the Realm of Time in eons past..., before the Lord by the power of His - Holy Spirit, moved upon the face of the deep during the Genesis Creation (See Genesis 1:1-2 & 2:1-2 KJV). What exactly, went on in the Heavenly Realm before Lucifer the Archangel, the Anointed, Covering Cherub - who once upon a time, was the Supreme Worship Leader who Glorified God and was subsequently and permanently, thrown out of Heaven? We have some scriptural clues. For the Lord, speaking to Lucifer, said: "How art thou fallen from Heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I WILL ascend into Heaven, I WILL exalt my throne above the stars (angels) of God: I WILL sit also upon the Mount of the Congregation, in the sides of the North: I WILL ascend above the heights of the clouds; I WILL be like the Most High. Yet, thou shalt be brought down to Hell, to the sides of the pit" (Isaiah 14:12-15 KJV). How did it come about that he was thrown out of Heaven, in the first place? For even Jesus Himself, said: "...I beheld satan (formerly Lucifer while still in Heaven) as lightening fall from Heaven" (Luke 10:18 KJV). Did satans' blind pride, jealousy, rebellion and utter scorn and contempt for the authority and sovereignty of the Lord his Creator, seal his doom? (Genesis 2:1 & Romans 1:25 KJV). According to the Lord, it did! Responding to satan's defiant five "I WILL's" in Isaiah 14:12-15 KJV, the Lord countered with His own five "I WILL's", saying: "I WILL cast thee (Lucifer) as profane out of the Mountain of God: I WILL destroy thee, O Covering Cherub from the midst of the Stones of Fire. Thine heart was lifted up because of thy beauty (vanity), thou hast corrupted thy wisdom by reason of thy brightness (intellectual pride): I WILL cast thee to the ground (Earth - which is how he was able to be in the Garden of Eden, as an accursed snake who tempted Eve - See Genesis 3 KJV). I WILL lay thee before kings, that they may behold thee (in utter humiliation, global disgrace and public exposure). Thou (satan) has defiled thy sanctuaries by the multitude of thine iniquities (by continually and willfully sinning), by the iniquity of thy traffic (corruptions and rebellion); Therefore, will I bring forth a fire from the midst of thee, it shall devour thee, and I WILL bring thee to ashes upon the earth in the sight of them that behold thee (utter destruction and public annihilation). All they that know thee among the people (satan worshippers, witches, warlocks, occult practitioners and those that chant mantras and channel demons, etc...), shall be astonished at thee: Thou shalt be a terror (grotesque in form and fashion), and never shalt thou be anymore" (Ezekial 28:16-19 KJV). Yup! It definitely looks like satan sealed his own, doom! But, what else did he say or do, that precipitated his permanent exile from behind the Pearly Gates? And how did it come about, that one-third of the Angelic-Heavenly Host..., was thrown out of Heaven, right along with him? Because, as the Holy Scripture goes on too attest, that when he was being thrown out, "...his (satans) tail drew the third part of the stars (like-minded angels, who became demons) of Heaven, and cast them to the Earth" (Revelation 12:4 KJV). Angels are compared to "stars?" Yes. Angels are continually basking in the brilliant Presence of the Lord, and His Countenance radiates His Glory and His Light. So much so, that it reflects off of them..., and they shine like "stars." For in the Book of Job, we find the scripture: "...when the Morning Stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy" (Job 38:7 KJV), Lucifer - having once been called "Son of the Morning" while he was still the Worship Leader in Heaven, led the angels in adoration of the Lord, because "stars" - in and of themselves, don't sing (Isaiah 14:12 KJV). He was once (past tense), an Archangel in Heaven who was always glorifying the Lord with song, worship and praise, so it only stems to reason that the "Morning Stars" (plural) are angels, as well (Job 38:7 KJV). So satan, the once "Morning Star" and now his hideous "morning stars" (angels who had corrupted themselves and rebelled with him and subsequently became demons), were evicted, right along with him. For the devil is very deceptive. For "...satan himself is transformed into an angel of light" (II Corinthians 11:14 KJV). He is very elusive like a chameleon, who can change into a snake... just like he did in the Garden of Eden and then... just as quickly, he transforms himself into a magnetic light. Especially, when people die and are miraculously brought back to life. Not every "light" after death, is of God. Light bulbs shine but they aren't holy. It could be subtle "satanic light" that is very enticing and seductive. With the objective of luring you into death and cheating you out of life, before your time. And satans' expulsion is further disclosed and confirmed, because the Holy Word, says: "And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the devil and satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out in earth, and his angels were cast out with him" (Revelation 12:9 KJV). And just how does the Messanger Archangel - Gabriel, and the Warrior Archangel - Michael, the leading General of the remaining two-thirds of Angels, fit into all that went on up there? For without a doubt, "...there was war in Heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; And the dragon fought and his angels, and prevailed not; neither was their place found anymore in Heaven" (Revelation 12:7-8 KJV). So, who found out that satan initiated the rebellion which climaxed itself into a catastrophic, Heavenly Battle, that tore the Kingdom of Heaven into an Eternal Divide? And, how does a once... Holy Angel, who served the Lord, suddenly turn into a hideous demon? Who betrayed, who? Who said, what? How? Where in Heaven? And when? Intrigue, drama, action and adventure a plenty, and possibilities galore of how... the once united, Heavenly Kingdom of God and the now... kingdom of satan, came about? A wonderful, creative, fictional account which is based on actual, true-life, Holy Scriptures which will make you want to read this riveting, written endeavor in one sitting. It's an exciting, eye-opener and you will definitely want to read the next four sequels, no sooner you finish reading this one. Fascinating and thrilling, cosmic reading which will educate, enlighten and broaden your spiritual interest. A keeper for your home library collection. Nina Kish

A book I got as a free Kindle download recently. It tells the story of how Lucifer came to be tossed out of heaven.Some will probably deride it as religious nonsense. People of a more religious bent might well think of it as irreligious. For me it is just fiction, just a book. I don't see that it even pretends to be much else.I have to admit much of the tale is hard to believe but it is written well enough that I found it readable. That's all I really care about.

3.25 StarsUpfront I will admit that this was my first foray into the realm of Christian fiction. Overall, it was not that bad and did inspire me to explore the genre further. However, it would be dishonest of me to say that reading the book was life changing. It was entertaining enough to finish, but the lack of rich characterization left me feeling cold to most of the characters. Unfortunately, at times the heavenly host seemed less like the enlightened spiritual beings that filled my childhood fascinations of angels and more like politicians pandering for status and rank.I did admire the obvious passion for the subject that the author has.MadGiles

The reader will be caught up into the story from the first page. I know the basic "Story" of course, but to read it as told in fictional format was cool. When I first read this book a few years back, I kept thinking how much all my friends - no matter who they are or what they believe - would enjoy reading it. The author has a way with storytelling that just draws you in. I like Stephen King because, no matter what he writes about, he can keep you reading. I now think of Shafer as the Christian answer to King (as a storyteller, I mean). I love that he wrote this from the viewpoint of the angels. This reminded me of "The Screwtape Letters" by C.S. Lewis.

I really enjoy reading books where authors take Biblical and other historical characters and make them "come alive" in the culture, history, and politics of their time, to see how they were influenced to become the often larger than life individuals we imagine them to be. It helps me to keep in mind that God can do great things through anyone who is willing to submit to Him, no matter their circumstances; and this particular book reminded me that Satan can do the same.What particularly struck me was how smooth and subtle Lucifer's progression into the depths of evil was - it was a slide down a slippery slope, and showed how even if we start out (or call ourselves starting out) with the best of intentions, if we are not careful we can easily be misled. I was struck by how easily one third of the angels and some of the elders were misled. It was definitely a reminder to me that I really need to get back to absorbing God's word!A couple of reasons why I gave this book a 4 rather than a 5:I did find Eve's character to be a bit under-developed and annoyingly childlike - I felt there should have been more to her character. I also would have liked to see more of the relationship between A'dam and Eve.I wasn't able to make the connection that the Zoa were the four living creatures mentioned in Revelation 5, and I am still researching the role of these creatures as spoken of in the Bible. No doubt I need to study more, but do those creatures actually fall between God and the elders? I see that some reviewers noted some errors of fact (thank you). That aside, I thought the author did a good job of showing the roles of the different beings (different types of angels, elders, etc.) - with the exception of the Zoa.I was disappointed that my Kindle version of this book had lots of typos - on virtually every page - make that section(!) - words were sepa rated, which was distracting. I was also disappointed to find that the second volume is not available for Kindle (I put in a request to have it "Kindle-ized), although volumes 3 and 4 are.Overall a very good book and well worth the read, particularly if this type of reading helps you keep things in perspective (IMHO).

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Exile of Lucifer: Chronicles of the Host, Book 1 PDF

Exile of Lucifer: Chronicles of the Host, Book 1 PDF

Exile of Lucifer: Chronicles of the Host, Book 1 PDF
Exile of Lucifer: Chronicles of the Host, Book 1 PDF

Sabtu, 04 Desember 2010

Download PDF , by Noelle Stevenson Grace Ellis

Download PDF , by Noelle Stevenson Grace Ellis

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, by Noelle Stevenson Grace Ellis

Product details

File Size: 166447 KB

Print Length: 128 pages

Publisher: BOOM! - BOOM! Box (April 1, 2015)

Publication Date: April 1, 2015

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English



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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#6,441 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

This was not at all what I expected! I honestly thought it would just be girls having adventures while camping; and while it is, it also isn't. There is a whole other story going on and it's all bizarre and supernatural. Strange things are afoot and the poor Lumberjanes keep stumbling into weirdness. It's kinda like a female cast of the Goonies meets the Brothers Winchester. They are quirky and fun characters. Their reaction to things and their terminology is so 80's! It's like stepping back into my childhood. I got this because I thought it would be something fun that both my daughter and myself could read and enjoy. Well, this was a really fun read, and I have a feeling my daughter will like it even more than I did!

Beware the Kitten Holy is a funny story. I love the way this graphic novel is drawn and colored. I like that it's very vibrant. I like that the images seem to be kind of wide even though they are cramped into a small space. I think that helped add to the whole “Great Outdoors” feel of the story.This story is not what I thought it was going to be. I feel like this story was really written for maybe teens or pre-teens because the content seems, kind of, juvenile but in a good way. It was very simple; kind of, innocent in the way the magical elements were presented. Still, adults could totally read and enjoy this if they don’t take it too seriously.So, the first thing that I like was the whole female wilderness survivalists who are kids, thing. That's like two things already that really appeal to me. We've got young characters who are also females surviving out in the wilderness which is kind of against the status quo. I love the fact that this story is so funny. I think its humor and the drawings really send the story over the top. Without there being so much humor and without the images being so vibrant, I probably would have given this story a lower rating. It's not a complicated story but it isn’t that simple either. Some people may just not get it.What I really liked about the story is the constant theme of friendship. You have this group of young survival girls who are basically tormenting their camp counselor, which anyone who's ever gone to camp, can relate to. This group of friends, whether they are or aren’t traumatizing their camp counselor, stick together. They help each other out. They laugh at things that are funny and they can poke fun at each other while also building each other up. None of these girls are vindictive towards one another. They're all very different and they seem to accept each other for their differences.I also liked the Indiana Jones/Nancy Drew mashup happening within the girl’s wilderness adventures. Even when they do cross paths with other creatures such as wolves or even boys, the girls seem to find a way to have the upper-hand, whether planned out or through total coincidental calamity.Some readers might find the content to be a little off-putting considering the age range for readers. It's hard for me to clearly say that this is a graphic novel written for teenage girls between the ages of 13 and 16 because I really don’t know; that’s just what I assumed. I will offer two warnings for potential readers. (1) While this is a very light and fluffy story, there are some dark and or disturbing moments.(2) *SPOLIER here* Also, two of the characters seem like they might have a crush on each other, which may be a matter of concern for conservative parents.**Still, all in all, this wasn’t a groundbreaking, earth-shattering phenomenon, but it was highly entertaining.I’d recommend it to comic fans, feminists, and anyone who appreciates a funny story that’s just a little outside the box.

I didn’t enjoy this one. I think the art is wonderful and the colors are beautifully vibrant, but I was not intrigued by the story, it bored me. Maybe I didn’t enjoy it because it’s not meant for my group (I’m 21), but that hasn’t been a problem before so I don’t know. Maybe an adolescent would like it. Again, I’m not saying this is terrible and you should stay away, it’s not and you should try it if you think you’ll like it. I just personally didn’t enjoy it and forced myself to finish reading it. Will not be continuing the series.

Cute and exciting. So far this book has been like an all-girl Gravity Falls.This graphic novel is basically the five girls you see on the cover at a camp in the middle of some magic-infested woods. Something weird--that no one else seems to notice--is going on so these girls are trying to unravel this mystery and do so by tramping around the forest, participating in camp activities, and more.It's a good book and I plan to by the next ones as well.I enjoyed it and my little sister (10yr) did too. Basically, it's a good book for a variety of ages.

Yes. Yes. Yes. More of this.With a young, teen daughter who loves art and illustration, I'm so happy that books like Lumberjanes, Ms. Marvel and Squirrel Girl are being created. Fun, challenging and engaging without crossing too hard for "effect" in what could be sensitive situations, Lumberjanes takes young and old readers alike on a fun journey and leaves you wanting to know what happens next. The art style is fantastic, guest covers and illustrations I've seen are refreshing and the character writing is fresh and crisp. A+++

I bought this for my 8 year old sister for Christmas and she absolutely loved it. She read it all in one sitting and almost immediately started asking for the next book.After my little sister's great reception of it I decided to read it myself, and I loved it too (for a reference point, I'm 19). It's full of magic and adventure, and the protagonists are exactly the hard core lady types that every young girl should have as a role model. The pop culture references keep it interesting and realistic as well.My sister is 8 and she had no issues reading this book, but she's also an advanced reader for her age. I'd say most kids could get full enjoyment out of this in the 9+ range, and adults at any age!

Noelle Stevenson's Lumberjanes are an amazing troupe of hardcore lady-types having a paranormal Girl Scout-esque experience (now with more monsters! new and improved badges!). All the details are well thought-out, from the naming of the characters (April, Mal, Molly, Ripley, Jo, Rosie, etc.) to the types of paranormal and supernatural encounters (Bear Woman! Scouting Lads!). Inclusive and diverse, Lumberjanes is sure to attract readers of a variety of ages, which is not a surprise for Noelle Stevenson's work. She writes and creates real people in very fantastic situations, but with a lighthearted, funny tinge. 1000% recommend.

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