Sabtu, 22 September 2012

Get Free Ebook , by Avi Steinberg

Get Free Ebook , by Avi Steinberg

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, by Avi Steinberg

, by Avi Steinberg

, by Avi Steinberg

Get Free Ebook , by Avi Steinberg

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, by Avi Steinberg

Product details

File Size: 886 KB

Print Length: 418 pages

Publisher: Anchor (October 19, 2010)

Publication Date: October 19, 2010

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#622,261 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

I loved this book, read it twice a few years later. I work for a non-profit program that runs a lending library in the local jail and often give this book to some of the longer term volunteer librarians. Many of the 4 and 5 star reviews mirror my own thoughts so I won't go into detail about why I like this book so much.My only real criticism is that he actually works at a jail not a prison. A jail typically houses inmates for less than a year or two. They usually are individuals that have not yet been found guilty of the charges against them and are waiting for a trial or a plea bargain. Some of completing short term sentences for less serious crimes. This book does not reflect life in a prison, in which inmates are "serving time", some on death row, other there for life. The environment is much harsher, more extreme, prisoners are more restricted.

Prison librarian may not have been the career this yeshiva student and Harvard graduate had in mind while he was growing up, but it's a marvelous thing that he ended up in the job by default. Disinclined to pursue more schooling, Steinberg applied for, and landed, the job in a Boston Prison, much to his own surprise.This is the story of his tenure there and the relationships that formed among the inmates, the guards, and the staff of which he is a member. In addition to running the library and supervising the inmate library staff, he teaches a creative writing class.And what a good thing, because Steinberg is a wonderful writer. He has a flawless ear for dialogue, somehow managing to accurately render the prison slang and street dialects without being either offensive or condescending. Especially enjoyable are the conversations between him and the various inmates who come into the library: wily, manipulative, sweet and shy, earnest, silly, aggrieved. The library is a refuge in an inhumane place, and without quite saying so, Steinberg does his best to make it fill that role most effectively without breaking the rules.There is a lot of humor in the story, since both author and inmates are clever and wise; but Steinberg is careful to maintain the boundaries and not get pulled into the daily dramas, disputes, and other compromising situations. While he can see the enormous disparity between his fortunate life and those of the prisoners, he never descends into maudlin reveries, and does a tribute-worthy job staying objective while remaining compassionate. He is not naïve; he can take teasing, and he weighs his responses to avoid trouble yet honor the humanity of the inmates.He occasionally bends the rules to help the more appealing ones in small but meaningful ways: sneaking in special foods from the outside (staff who do that are known as "feeders"), or passing clandestine messages. But these are small exceptions; most of the time, he is forced to turn down pleas and special requests, and heeds warnings about taking sides.The experience not only gives him a rich subject to write about but it also teaches him much that is valuable. He writes about the disturbing contrast between life inside the prison and outside, without making crass judgments about the people who end up in prison. He encounters some released prisoners who recognize him before he recognizes them, and the encounters are not pleasant. But, then, he visits the mother of a young man whom he had befriended in prison who was later murdered in a gang incident after being released. The man had been earnestly trying to realize a career dream that, we are given to think, was within reach. Steinberg gives the mother pieces of correspondence and poetry written by her son in prison.Steinberg pulls off the difficult task of describing experiences that range from touching to frightening to funny, without an ounce of sentimentality. The book is a treasure: a prison account that manages to be funny, sad, moving, fascinating, and just plain tell a great story.

This book was great. I have been involved with prisoners. My husband and I would house them for about a month when they were released. We helped them try to get set up in the real world. So the book was really meaningful to me.

A good book about a young Jewish man finding himself through his work as a prison librarian. The book moves along at an easy pace. The author jumps around some ( past to present, inmate to another inmate, then back again) which was a little distracting. I would have enjoyed linear storytelling much better.

I had to read this book as a part of my Honors College colloquium and I really enjoyed it. Great for discussions. I learned a lot and stayed interested. It has a very casual and friendly tone with I really like. I've recommended it to friends.

so intuesting how he was beneficial in that prison cliomate/

Here is a different line of work to explore!

Very interesting. We'll written keeps you wanting to read more. You could identify with something in every personality. Easy to read.

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Rabu, 12 September 2012

Download Ebook , by Rachel Edidin

Download Ebook , by Rachel Edidin

Feeling so relieved to find and also wait this book ultimately comes appear. It is the suggested enough for you that are still perplexed to get new reading publication. When other publications featured the indication of best seller, this book is more than it. This is not just regarding the most effective vendor one. , By Rachel Edidin is one book that will certainly make you become finest individual, minimally the much better individual after obtaining the lesson. The lesson of this book is generally as just what you should do.

, by Rachel Edidin

, by Rachel Edidin

, by Rachel Edidin

Download Ebook , by Rachel Edidin

Locate the key to boost the lifestyle by reading this , By Rachel Edidin This is a sort of publication that you require now. Besides, it can be your favorite book to read after having this publication , By Rachel Edidin Do you ask why? Well, , By Rachel Edidin is a book that has different characteristic with others. You could not have to know which the author is, how widely known the work is. As sensible word, never evaluate the words from that speaks, however make the words as your good value to your life.

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, by Rachel Edidin

Product details

File Size: 69046 KB

Print Length: 184 pages

Publisher: Dark Horse Books (July 2, 2013)

Publication Date: July 2, 2013

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English



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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#785,072 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

The Art of The Last of Us by Dark Horse Books is a must for any Last of Us fan. The book is 176 pages and they load the pages with art so there's little wasted space. With this book you will get many variations of the characters and environments. Although with the characters I found that almost every single one is a frontal pose of a character with variations in clothing, the face, or something like that. This is not bad since their are a lot of them and they cover a lot of characters but I wish there were more angles and such, but none the less its still amazing.The Book is divided into 7 chapters.1. The Introduction is 2 pages and just talks about the creators making the game and stuff.2. Joel and Ellie is 16 pages and has lots of different poses and variations of the two. There is commentary by the artists about what went through their minds when making the sketches and such which really lets you understand what they were thinking when they made the characters. Also they have pictures of how they were going to have Ellie look but switched to how she actually does look so that was cool to see how they first wanted her to look.3.The Journey is 93 pages and has sketches and pictures of a bunch of characters and scenes that you encounter throughout the game. There's soldiers, thugs, some of the other main characters, and plenty of abandoned house and buildings. Their is lots of content here and the pages are jam packed. The concept art of the environments are really detailed and have excellent lighting.4. The Infected is 29 pages and has lots of the different infected monsters. The pictures put you up close and personal to the infected and lets you see all the grossest features. From the bumps, blood, scars, and everything else they made sure to show just how ugly/scary the infected are. This chapter was really cool to look at and highly detailed.5. The World is 6 pages and has really nothing to it except some signs and weapons which were not really all that great or detailed. There's bows, garden tools, guns, and pieces of metal for the weapons shown.6. Marketing is 14 pages and has the art they used to promote the game and its basically just some concept art like what they have on the cover of the game and such.7. The American Dream is 5 pages and is art from the comic book so if you like comic books you might enjoy this section since its just simple drawings comic book style.Overall this book is a must for any fan of the game. It has lots of character variations and artist comments which really help you know just what went through their minds when making the characters and such. The environmental art is awesome and highly detailed with excellent lighting and color. The scenes show everything from old farms, run down cities, or even the quarantine zone. The infected look gruesome and lifelike and its really gross the amount of detail they put in some of the pictures, but that is what makes this book so good. Finally if your looking for some good character art this book has loads of it and although its mostly all frontal view it still is quite nice to look at and has many variations and characters. I highly recommend this art book and found it to be one of the better game art books.

 The Art of Last of Us is a wonderful art book to Naughty Dog's latest game. I also have the Uncharted 2 art book and I love that book. I love this one too.This book is packed with character designs and environment art. The concept art is top notch.All the characters and infected are drawn out in detail and colour. There are various designs for each character. Lots to see. The infected, if you have not played the game, are not traditional zombies. They have been infected by some deadly fungus that grows and consumes the human body. You get to see some interesting and scary designs that you would not get from typical zombies.The environment art are painted with astonishing amount of detail that makes everything seem so real. There are the devastated towns, rundown buildings, deserted streets and ransacked rooms. Most scenes depicted will make you wonder what the hell happened there. The level of realism you see here is unmatched even by big budget movie sets.Spoilers appear in the book either as text or pictures. So definitely play the game first before going through the book. Other than that, there's not much text except the occasional comments on the art and game.This is a fantastic video game art book. Highly recommended.Oh, play the game first if you can.(There are more pictures of the book on my blog. Just visit my Amazon profile for the link.)

JUST BEAUTIFUL!This is certainly a big and beautiful assemble of the greatest conceptual artworks I ever saw together, I must say Naughty Dog have some of the most talented artists in the industry nowadays, the artworks are really beautiful and it's nice to see some earlier versions of characters and environments of the game in those pages, it really added more dept in the understanding of the game goal and artistic vision.Why not give credits for the artists?As I said, Naughty Dog have some the most talented artists in the industry nowadays, like Maciej Kuciara, James Paick, Aaron Limonick, John Sweeney, Eytan Zana, Shaddy Safadi, Marek Okon, Nick Gindraux, Hyoung Nam, and Alexandria Neonakis, people that worked hard to make this game beautiful but in the end, this compilation or celebration of great artworks end up not having a single artist name on it. It's a shame that they didn't gave the artists some recognition for their big hit as well. I just couldn't find credits for the artists anywhere in the book, just the directors are credited. I think it is a bit unfair and very close minded for a company with such a big creativity in making games.I know that from a company point of view give to much credit for a employee can be a path to lose them to another company, but in a internet generation of easy to find information, they should know that there are other and nicer ways to keep a employee happy enough to not leave the company. Anyway, just unfair.This is a GREAT BOOK! One of the best game art-books on the last 2 years.

, by Rachel Edidin PDF
, by Rachel Edidin EPub
, by Rachel Edidin Doc
, by Rachel Edidin iBooks
, by Rachel Edidin rtf
, by Rachel Edidin Mobipocket
, by Rachel Edidin Kindle

, by Rachel Edidin PDF

, by Rachel Edidin PDF

, by Rachel Edidin PDF
, by Rachel Edidin PDF

Download PDF The Librarian's Guide to Homelessness: An Empathy-Driven Approach to Solving Problems, Preventing Conflict, and Serving Everyone

Download PDF The Librarian's Guide to Homelessness: An Empathy-Driven Approach to Solving Problems, Preventing Conflict, and Serving Everyone

You may not really feel that this book will be as vital as you assume right now, but are you certain? Find out more regarding The Librarian's Guide To Homelessness: An Empathy-Driven Approach To Solving Problems, Preventing Conflict, And Serving Everyone and also you could really locate the benefits of reading this publication. The offered soft data publication of this title will provide the amazing circumstance. Also analysis is just leisure activity; you can begin to be success b this book. Believe more in evaluating guides. You might not judge that it is necessary or otherwise currently. Read this publication in soft file and also get the methods of you to wait.

The Librarian's Guide to Homelessness: An Empathy-Driven Approach to Solving Problems, Preventing Conflict, and Serving Everyone

The Librarian's Guide to Homelessness: An Empathy-Driven Approach to Solving Problems, Preventing Conflict, and Serving Everyone

The Librarian's Guide to Homelessness: An Empathy-Driven Approach to Solving Problems, Preventing Conflict, and Serving Everyone

Download PDF The Librarian's Guide to Homelessness: An Empathy-Driven Approach to Solving Problems, Preventing Conflict, and Serving Everyone

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The Librarian's Guide to Homelessness: An Empathy-Driven Approach to Solving Problems, Preventing Conflict, and Serving Everyone


"Packs a wealth of useful information ... The approaches detailed here will be applicable to all sorts of patron-staff interactions in libraries of all sizes. A comprehensive handbook that's sure to grow even more relevant as time goes on. --Booklist"He emphasizes ways in which librarians can convey respect and a nonjudgmental attitude towards homeless persons (including five pages devoted to handshakes) and makes important points about the necessity for 'legitimate' library rules that are predictable and fair." --Voice of Youth Advocates"This thoughtful and practical guide will help librarians better understand the homeless population ... Readers will find Dowd's advice easy to understand and apply." --Choice

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About the Author

Ryan Dowd has spent most of his career as Executive Director of a large homeless shelter near Chicago. In addition, he trains organizations around the globe (including libraries, homeless shelters, and hospitals) on how to use empathy-driven enforcement with homeless individuals.

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Product details

Paperback: 264 pages

Publisher: American Library Association (January 15, 2018)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0838916260

ISBN-13: 978-0838916261

Product Dimensions:

7 x 0.8 x 9.8 inches

Shipping Weight: 1 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

5.0 out of 5 stars

4 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#70,148 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

Deeply Human, Eminently PracticalAmerica is a capitalist country. Our worth is judged by how much stuff we have - cars, fancy clothes, big houses, etc. Those who have little to nothing, accordingly, are judged to be worth less (and often worthless). Yet every major religious tradition teaches "what you do for the least of my brothers ...". Ryan Dowd's book is informed by deep experience and infused with deep respect for the worth of every individual while being cognizant of the value of public libraries and spaces and the need for them to be safe and comfortable for all.This book is VERY practical and has much wider applicability than to just libraries. It's useful for teachers, shopkeepers, post office workers, ambulance drivers, policemen, patrolmen, crossing guards, principals, social workers, bankers, citizens, parents, and family members - anyone and everyone who crosses paths with those sleeping on sidewalks, hovering under overpasses, cowering in doorways, etc. Besides teaching practical skills, it more importantly reminds us to acknowledge and respect the humanity of EVERY person.

A wonderful book — not only for relating to those who are homeless, but insights also when dealing with the public in general. Dowd keeps it real, fast paced, insightful, concise, and interesting, while sprinkling in some humor and some heart wrenching and heart warming stories.

Essential reading for those who work in or platinum or public libraries

This book is fantastic. It was interesting and thorough, with plenty of real life examples from the author's experience. In a way, it read like a novel because it was so well written but it gave so much factual information that it would be a real asset to anyone working in a library (or with the homeless, for that matter). I'm not even a librarian, although I worked in a large bookstore for many, many years and this book is top-notch.

The Librarian's Guide to Homelessness: An Empathy-Driven Approach to Solving Problems, Preventing Conflict, and Serving Everyone PDF
The Librarian's Guide to Homelessness: An Empathy-Driven Approach to Solving Problems, Preventing Conflict, and Serving Everyone EPub
The Librarian's Guide to Homelessness: An Empathy-Driven Approach to Solving Problems, Preventing Conflict, and Serving Everyone Doc
The Librarian's Guide to Homelessness: An Empathy-Driven Approach to Solving Problems, Preventing Conflict, and Serving Everyone iBooks
The Librarian's Guide to Homelessness: An Empathy-Driven Approach to Solving Problems, Preventing Conflict, and Serving Everyone rtf
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The Librarian's Guide to Homelessness: An Empathy-Driven Approach to Solving Problems, Preventing Conflict, and Serving Everyone Kindle

The Librarian's Guide to Homelessness: An Empathy-Driven Approach to Solving Problems, Preventing Conflict, and Serving Everyone PDF

The Librarian's Guide to Homelessness: An Empathy-Driven Approach to Solving Problems, Preventing Conflict, and Serving Everyone PDF

The Librarian's Guide to Homelessness: An Empathy-Driven Approach to Solving Problems, Preventing Conflict, and Serving Everyone PDF
The Librarian's Guide to Homelessness: An Empathy-Driven Approach to Solving Problems, Preventing Conflict, and Serving Everyone PDF