Jumat, 25 Desember 2015

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Product details

File Size: 3688 KB

Print Length: 368 pages

Publisher: HardPress (April 11, 2018)

Publication Date: April 11, 2018

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#3,481,585 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)





Minggu, 20 Desember 2015

PDF Ebook , by Paul Kalanithi Abraham Verghese

PDF Ebook , by Paul Kalanithi Abraham Verghese

Preparing guides to review on a daily basis is satisfying for lots of people. Nonetheless, there are still many individuals who additionally don't like reading. This is a problem. However, when you could support others to begin reading, it will be much better. Among guides that can be suggested for brand-new visitors is , By Paul Kalanithi Abraham Verghese This book is not sort of hard book to review. It can be checked out and also comprehend by the brand-new visitors.

, by Paul Kalanithi Abraham Verghese

, by Paul Kalanithi Abraham Verghese

, by Paul Kalanithi Abraham Verghese

PDF Ebook , by Paul Kalanithi Abraham Verghese

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, by Paul Kalanithi Abraham Verghese

Product details

File Size: 2902 KB

Print Length: 231 pages

Publisher: Random House; 1 edition (January 12, 2016)

Publication Date: January 12, 2016

Sold by: Random House LLC

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0812988418

ISBN-13: 978-0812988413




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#669 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

This is a marvelous memoir and a generous sharing. The real subject of this book is not (just) cancer, or even death, but time: how we perceive it, how we use it and understand it. Paul Kalanithi is at his best when he is writing about how time changes, and the struggle to decide how best to use one's time when there is very little left, and most particularly, when you don't even know how much may be left. This is the condition that effects us all, whether, like the author, he is a stupendously accomplished and ambitious individual, or whether we are simply coming to the end of an ordinary life filled with ordinary achievements and regrets.Abraham Verghese wrote the forward, and spoke so glowingly that he damned, not with faint praise but rather the opposite. Expectations were set so high for what was to follow. And, entering the book, the first chapters, I confess to being disappointed. The author's voice seemed so self concerned, and his dilemma regarding whether to pursue the study of literature or medicine was one that so many of us have experienced that I wondered what about his story was really worth the telling. And then, he started into his account of med school, the anatomy lab, the first experiences with birth and death. And here, he really hit his stride. I found myself getting up and going to another room after my husband had gone to sleep because I just had to read on.Finally, in the passages where he explored the process of coming to terms with limited time, and the decision about what to do with it, he found the material that really makes his memoir a unique and valuable contribution. Several times he quoted Beckett: "I can't go on. I'll go on" . In this quotation he found his answer to what to do with the rest of his life. The choice is to despair, to sit in a chair and do nothing since nothing has meaning, or to seize upon something, which might or might not come to fruition, might or might not be successful or well received, and to persist. He chose to persist in the thing he had wanted to do, and perhaps the only thing he could do once his physical strength ebbed: the writing of this book. The fact of this choice is as much as the memoir itself a kind of guidepost for us as we all come to these same decisions, sooner or later.

I read this book in one sitting, long after the lights should have been turned off. I felt like not doing so would have been a disservice to Paul Kalanithi. After reading the book I felt stunned and hopeful in equal parts. Stunned because of the realization that someone as prodigiously talented and eloquent as Dr. Kalanithi was taken from the world at such an early age. Hopeful because even in his brief life of thirty-seven years he showcased what we as human beings are capable of in our best incarnations. His family can rest assured that he will live on through his book.When Breath Becomes Air details Dr. Kalanithi's life as a neurosurgeon and his fight against advanced lung cancer. Even in his short life he achieved noteworthy recognition as a scholar, a surgeon, a scientist and now - posthumously - as a writer. The book is a tale of tribulations and frank reflections. Ultimately there's not much triumph in it in the traditional sense but there is a dogged, quiet resilience and a frank earthiness that endures long after the last word appears. The tribulations occur in both Dr. Kalanithi's stellar career and his refusal to give in to the illness which ultimately consumed him.The first part of the book could almost stand separately as an outstanding account of the coming of age of a neurosurgeon and writer. Dr. Kalanithi talks about his upbringing as the child of hardworking Indian immigrant parents and his tenacious and passionate espousal of medicine and literature. He speaks lovingly of his relationship with his remarkable wife - also a doctor - who he met in medical school and who played an outsized role in supporting him through everything he went through. He had a stunning and multifaceted career, studying biology and literature at Stanford, then history and philosophy of medicine at Cambridge, and finally neurosurgery at Yale.Along the way he became not just a neurosurgeon who worked grueling hours and tried to glimpse the very soul of his discipline, but also an eloquent writer. The mark of a man of letters is evident everywhere in the book, and quotes from Eliot, Beckett, Pope and Shakespeare make frequent appearances. Accounts of how Dr. Kalanithi wrested with walking the line between objective medicine and compassionate humanity when it came to treating his patients give us an inside view of medicine as practiced at its most intimate level. Metaphors abound and the prose often soars: When describing how important it is to develop good surgical technique, he tells us that "Technical excellence was a moral requirement"; meanwhile, the overwhelming stress of late night shifts, hundred hour weeks and patients with acute trauma made him occasionally feel like he was "trapped in an endless jungle summer, wet with sweat, the rain of tears of the dying pouring down". This is writing that comes not from the brain or from the heart, but from the gut. When we lost Dr. Kalanithi we lost not only a great doctor but a great writer spun from the same cloth as Oliver Sacks and Atul Gawande.It is in the second part of the book that the devastating tide of disease and death creeps in, even as Dr. Kalanithi is suddenly transformed from a doctor into a patient. It must be slightly bizarre to be on the other side of the mirror and intimately know everything that is happening to your body and Dr. Kalanithi is brutally frank in communicating his disbelief, his tears, his hope and his understanding of his fatal disease. It's worth noting that this candid recognition permeates the entire account. Science mingles with emotion as compassionate doctors, family and a battery of medications and tests become a mainstay of life. The painful uncertainty which he documents - in particular the tyranny of statistics which makes it impossible to predict how a specific individual will react to cancer therapy - must sadly be familiar to anyone who has had experience with the disease. As he says, "One has a very different relationship with statistics when one becomes one". There are heartbreaking descriptions of how at one point the cancer seemed to have almost disappeared and how, after Dr. Kalanithi had again cautiously made plans for a hopeful future with his wife, it returned with a vengeance and he had to finally stop working. There is no bravado in the story; as he says, the tumor was what it was and you simply experienced the feelings it brought to your mind and heart.What makes the book so valuable is this ready admission of what terminal disease feels like, especially an admission that is nonetheless infused with wise acceptance, hope and a tenacious desire to live, work and love normally. In spite of the diagnosis Dr. Kalanithi tries very hard - and succeeds admirably - to live a normal life. He returns to his surgery, he spends time with his family and most importantly, he decides to have a child with his wife. In his everyday struggles is seen a chronicle of the struggles that we will all face in some regard, and which thousands of people face on a daily basis. His constant partner in this struggle is his exemplary wife Lucy, whose epilogue is almost as eloquent as his own writing; I really hope that she picks up the baton where he left off.As Lucy tells us in the epilogue, this is not some simple tale of a man who somehow "beats" a disease by refusing to give up. It's certainly that, but it's much more because it's a very human tale of failure and fear, of uncertainty and despair, of cynicism and anger. And yes, it is also a tale of scientific understanding, of battling a disease even in the face of uncertainty, of poetry and philosophy, of love and family, and of bequeathing a legacy to a two year old daughter who will soon understand the kind of man her father was and the heritage he left behind. It's as good a testament to Dr. Kalanithi's favorite Beckett quote as anything I can think of: "I can't go on. I will go on".Read this book; it's devastating and heartbreaking, inspiring and edifying. Most importantly, it's real.

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, by Paul Kalanithi Abraham Verghese PDF

, by Paul Kalanithi Abraham Verghese PDF

, by Paul Kalanithi Abraham Verghese PDF
, by Paul Kalanithi Abraham Verghese PDF

Kamis, 10 Desember 2015

Download PDF Soccer: A History of the World's Most Popular Game (The Watts History of Sports), by Mark Stewart

Download PDF Soccer: A History of the World's Most Popular Game (The Watts History of Sports), by Mark Stewart

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Soccer: A History of the World's Most Popular Game (The Watts History of Sports), by Mark Stewart

Soccer: A History of the World's Most Popular Game (The Watts History of Sports), by Mark Stewart

Soccer: A History of the World's Most Popular Game (The Watts History of Sports), by Mark Stewart

Download PDF Soccer: A History of the World's Most Popular Game (The Watts History of Sports), by Mark Stewart

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Soccer: A History of the World's Most Popular Game (The Watts History of Sports), by Mark Stewart

From School Library Journal

Gr 7-10-Solid historical overviews with particular emphasis on off-the-field developments. Each book offers a wealth of information for even the most knowledgeable fans, especially about the game's early days. Stewart does an excellent job of demonstrating how social, financial, and organizational issues influence sports. In Baseball, he examines the labor-management conflicts that have been an important part of the game from its earliest days and shows how profoundly free agency has altered the sport. Soccer takes a candid look at the failure of this sport to flourish in the U.S. and lays much of the blame on organizational problems and petty squabbling. Both offerings are chock-full of outstanding full-color and black-and-white photos. There is strong coverage of memorable contests and individuals and the statistical appendixes are useful. The books' main value, however, lies in the exploration of the ways the sports both mirror and respond to changes taking place in the larger society.-Richard Luzer, Fair Haven Union High School, VTCopyright 1998 Cahners Business Information, Inc.

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Product details

Series: The Watts History of Sports

Library Binding: 128 pages

Publisher: Franklin Watts (March 1, 1998)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0531114562

ISBN-13: 978-0531114568

Product Dimensions:

9 x 0.5 x 11.2 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.4 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

Be the first to review this item

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#2,963,540 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

Soccer: A History of the World's Most Popular Game (The Watts History of Sports), by Mark Stewart PDF
Soccer: A History of the World's Most Popular Game (The Watts History of Sports), by Mark Stewart EPub
Soccer: A History of the World's Most Popular Game (The Watts History of Sports), by Mark Stewart Doc
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Soccer: A History of the World's Most Popular Game (The Watts History of Sports), by Mark Stewart PDF

Soccer: A History of the World's Most Popular Game (The Watts History of Sports), by Mark Stewart PDF

Soccer: A History of the World's Most Popular Game (The Watts History of Sports), by Mark Stewart PDF
Soccer: A History of the World's Most Popular Game (The Watts History of Sports), by Mark Stewart PDF

Rabu, 25 November 2015

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Silver Shadows: A Bloodlines Novel, by Richelle Mead

Silver Shadows: A Bloodlines Novel, by Richelle Mead

Silver Shadows: A Bloodlines Novel, by Richelle Mead

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Silver Shadows: A Bloodlines Novel, by Richelle Mead


Praise for Silver Shadows"...perfectly blends romance with paranormal adventure and drama..." -Romantic Times Top Pick

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About the Author

Richelle Mead is the author of the international #1 bestselling Vampire Academy series, its spinoff series, Bloodlines, and the Age of X series. A lifelong reader, Richelle has always had a particular fascination with mythology and folklore. When she can actually tear herself away from books (either reading or writing them), she enjoys bad reality TV, traveling, trying interesting cocktails, and shopping for dresses to wear on tour. She is a self-professed coffee addict, works in her pajamas, and has a passion for all things wacky and humorous. Originally from Michigan, Richelle now lives in Seattle, Washington, where she is hard at work on her next Bloodlines novel. Visit www.RichelleMead.com to find out more.

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See all Editorial Reviews

Product details

Age Range: 12 and up

Grade Level: 7 - 9

Lexile Measure: HL820L (What's this?)

amznJQ.available('jQuery', function() {

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openEventInclude: "CLICK_TRIGGER"




Series: Bloodlines (Book 5)

Paperback: 416 pages

Publisher: Razorbill; Reprint edition (January 13, 2015)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1595146326

ISBN-13: 978-1595146328

Product Dimensions:

5.5 x 1.1 x 8.2 inches

Shipping Weight: 15.2 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.7 out of 5 stars

1,913 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#41,576 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

Silver Shadows was pretty intense. It starts off with Sydney in solitary confinement, attempting to figure out how to get free without losing herself. Meanwhile, Adrian has gone off his medication in hopes of locating her in a dream, but that doesn't help much if he can't stay sober as well. It's just a big ol', depressing mess. In a good way. The Alchemists are ruthless in their methods without being over the top. Sydney quickly learns how to play their game though, and it's just a matter of time until Adrian and the others find her.The beginning of Silver Shadows is a little slow, which is not surprising. Not much can be done when the heroine is locked and drugged underground and the hero is passed out drunk. It's not boring though. The re-education center is fascinating, if horrible. I wasn't quite as invested in Adrian's chapters until a certain someone sneaks up on him and forces him to reevaluate what the heck he's doing. From there, it's nonstop action as he pulls himself together and gets a plan in motion to break out Sydney and the others.I can't say a lot about Silver Shadows without spoilers. Lots of spoilery things happen. The last third or so was very exciting and more things just kept happening and I was never sure if things were going to turn out okay or not. Then of course, the last page has to deliver a new shock which threw me straight into the final book.

This is not a Richelle Mead "young adult" title. Ifyou're looking for another Vampire Academy, this isn't it.This one's finally for the adults out there.No teen overdramatic relationships, . Though there is one teenager as part of the cast, this isn't a repeat of Mead's popular but less mature vampire world.But it's not wonderfully raunchy pornographic adult fiction like Mead's Succubus series either.The Age of X series is like a bit the Harry Dresden supernatural mysteries, toss in some Honor Harrington military adventure, and a dash of Percy Jackson's world (a young adult book, but the only comparison I could find) for flavor - and you have Age of X.The characters are well drawn, sometimes not very likeable, but very real and gritty. These are real people, not shining heroes, so if you're looking for role models, you won't find them here. These are broken people who step up to the plate when the world needs them. Involvement with drugs, alcohol, casual sex and sometimes really stupid personal life decision-making is part of these characters, but so is selflessness, love of family and friends, and courage.The world-building is amazing. This is a future that isn't quite "post-apocalyptic," but it is very different from the one we know. It is a world where disease has ravaged the gene pool, leaving healthy mixed-bloods and genetically damaged pure bloods, but the world soldiered on. There was no war, but political divisions have remade the borders, blending some countries, splitting others, based on their cultural response to the disease.Mead explores the concepts of religious rule versus enforced secularism, in nearly pure forms, and the cultural responses and effects on individuals, while playing into a supernatural world that neither side is ready for.

Absolutely love Game Board of the the Gods & The Immortal Crown! Richelle Mead is an amazing writer I own most of her books, but I will be so disappointed if the next book in the series Eye of Andromeda doesn't get published! Seriously! Just leaving us hanging! Does Mae find out who attacked her? Does she accept Lokie's offer? & Justin does he find out anything from Daphne? Does he find Mae's attacker? Do Justin & Mae end up together? & Senator Darling? What's his game & what God is he with? Does Mae get to see Ava again? Her mom & sister get arrested? Acadia does it fall along with their God? I could go on!

4.75 of 5 StarsIt is no secret that we love paranormal books around the blog. A couple of years ago we read Vampire Academy and fell in love with the series. I was so upset when they ended, but my husband was probably happy. I literally had done nothing but read for a week straight. I was ridiculous and didn’t cook, clean or do anything. I was obsessed with those books! I knew that Bloodlines was a spin off series but I have been so busy with life that I could not take the time to read them. Until now!You will remember many characters in Bloodlines from VA; Sydney Sage the Alchemist, Adrian Ishkavov and Jill the Moroi, and Eddie Castille the Dhampir. Of course we see glimpses of Rose, Dimitri and others as well, which is nice.Bloodlines begins with Sydney going on assignment in Palm Springs to help protect Jill from a group of people trying to kill her to keep Lissa from the throne. Eddie, Jill and Sydney are going undercover as siblings and students at a boarding school. Adrian is staying nearby with another Moroi, Clarence and his son Lee is back and forth to LA for classes. This is also where Jill has her feedings.The other Alchemist, Keith Darnell, is posted in Palm Springs. To say he and Sydney don’t like each other is an understatement. He does not want Syd around and will do whatever it takes to keep reminding superiors of her actions in VA when she helped Rose.I love the way Richelle Mead can weave a complex storyline. Things start happening at school and around Palm Springs that cause Sydney to become suspicious. Will she risk being sent for re-training by the Alchemists by working with vampires and dhampirs again? Be sure and one click Bloodlines today and fall in love with the paranormal world she creates all over again!

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Silver Shadows: A Bloodlines Novel, by Richelle Mead PDF

Silver Shadows: A Bloodlines Novel, by Richelle Mead PDF
Silver Shadows: A Bloodlines Novel, by Richelle Mead PDF

Minggu, 22 November 2015

PDF Ebook , by Mohamed Bacha

PDF Ebook , by Mohamed Bacha

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, by Mohamed Bacha

Product details

File Size: 3728 KB

Print Length: 73 pages

Publication Date: December 28, 2013

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Sabtu, 07 November 2015

Ebook Airport Operations, Third Edition

Ebook Airport Operations, Third Edition

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Airport Operations, Third Edition

Airport Operations, Third Edition

Airport Operations, Third Edition

Ebook Airport Operations, Third Edition

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Airport Operations, Third Edition

About the Author

Norman J Ashford was Professor of Transport Planning at the Loughborough University of Technology, England from 1972 to 1997. He is the holder of bachelor, master and doctorate-level degrees in civil engineering. Dr. Ashford worked as a civil engineer in Canada and taught at the Georgia Institute of Technology and the Florida State University. He served as the Director of the Transportation Institute Division of Universities for the State of Florida. Dr. Ashford runs an aviation consulting company and has been active in the areas of airport planning, design, operations, and privatization on more than 100 airports in more than 40 countries.Dr. Pierre Coutu is the President of Aviation Strategies International (ASI) where he leads and guides a multi-disciplinary, international network of civil aviation experts who leverage their experience to provide value-added, senior-level strategic advice and analysis to ASI's world clients. With more than 35 years of experience in the airports business, Dr. Coutu has worked with the Canadian Transportation Ministry in various capacities related to airport management and development as well as with the International Aviation Management Training Institute (IAMTI) as Executive VP and COO, from 1987 to 1998, during which the Institute graduated close to 5,000 aviation executives from 150 different countries. Dr. Coutu has also been speaking at worldwide industry events and teaching airport management within aviation MBA programs at universities including Concordia University (Canada), Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (China), and Krems Danau University (Austria). John R Beasley graduated from the University of Oxford with a First Class Honors degree in Natural Sciences (Physics), is a Chartered Physicist, a Member of the Institute of Directors and a Member of the Association of German Engineers (VDI). He worked for Barclays de Zoete Wedd (BZW) as an investment analyst, publishing major research covering the defense and software sectors. In 2001, Beasley founded his own consultancy, Analytical Decisions, offering decision-making and policy implementation support.

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Product details

Hardcover: 640 pages

Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education; 3 edition (November 12, 2012)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0071775846

ISBN-13: 978-0071775847

Product Dimensions:

6.2 x 1.5 x 9.2 inches

Shipping Weight: 2.2 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.6 out of 5 stars

9 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#514,216 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

I bought the kindle version of this book for a month, rather than wait, I decided to post a preliminary review.The authors are having strong academical background and practical experience in civil aviation, therefore they have written one of the finest books on airport operations I have ever read. Yet it is a very serious piece of writing, at once scholarly and erudite, while suitable for different level of people who are working in aviation industry. As such, it bears re-reading and serious study.This is a book for somebody who wish to grab the full picture to understand the complexity of the airport operation systems, the reader could understand the area of passenger, freight, and aircraft handling, the airport viewpoint on airline scheduling, the safety and security issues, sustainable development and environmental capacity of airports, etc. All the things in this book is across the world, the proposition are followed the rule setup by governmental like FAA and international organization like IATA and ICAO. The book just doesn't bored like reading the manual, and I suspect it will be immensely useful to any of us who are willing to understand the logic of transportation, as they are working in same principle.Dr. Ashford is a well known author in airport planning. When I first entered airport as a operations staff in 8 years ago, I learn a lot from his previous book - Airport Operations. It is a must-read for me. The Airport Operations 3/E contains a treasure trove of knowledge, in sum, I highly recommended this book for everyone who interested in this topic.

As a professional and teacher of topics in the field of airports, I consider Mr. Norman Ashford as great master in AGA matter. Unfortunately, I have not had the opportunity to enjoy his teachings in person. The extraordinary conceptual clarity and synthesis of ideas evidenced in his books, effectively facilitate the understanding of the fascinating world the airport design and operation.Sam, Chile

This is an excellent book to be used as reference for any profissional that needs a support in this issue.Capt Miguel Dau - Chief Operating Officer GRU Airport

This is an excellent book to be used for any professional who wish to understand the reality of airport daily life

Teaching classes in Airport Management at a local community college. This book is ideal for use to review for the CM, or AAAE, professional exams.

I recommend this book to those who are involve with aviation industry, specially airpot industry. This book contents lots of useful informations.

So me and my friend were hanging out at this bar downstairs. We're getting pretty wasted and everything and it's time to go home and here comes the epiphany. "Dude, we should totally open our own airport". At first we were like "hell yeah", because, frankly, I was pretty good at landing planes safely in X-Plane while being drunk and my friend, he's on the no-fly list. So we both had our reasons.Well, I take out my kindle and we start looking for a book on how to build and manage airport. This one pops up, we instantly hit the "Buy" button and start reading. First of all, reading when wasted is very difficult. Yet, we struggle with it and learn a great deal about how to run an airport. It turns out, it's not enough to just build a runway, no. That's like 19-th century now, not rad anymore. You need safety measures, navigational equipment, terminals, means to get in and out of the airport. Worst of all, you need to let government employees occupy space at your airport for free, so they can do useless stuff like check people's passports and watch them naked. Costs money. We thought it'd be fun to build an airport. Turns out, a ten thousand dollar investment may not cover it.We get out of bar at 4am, finished the book and exhausted. The complexity of airports is astounding. We did enjoy the book, it's a bit dry (or maybe it was hangover), but good info inside. I decided I was going to make billions of dollars first and then try to run an airport using this book. If I fail at running an airport I will surely come back and trash the book.I'm giving it four stars now because it made me learn something interesting.

This is the third edition of a unique book in the area of airports, where there has been a recent wave of new books. This book is unique in the sense that it brings the reader the closest to the reality of airport daily life. This feature makes it very valuable for (less experienced) airport operators and managers as well as for planners and designers , who are often unaware of many operational details. It is also highly recommended for students in air transport and related fields.This third edition has been written by a somewhat expanded team of authors, lead by Norman Ashford, one of the most prominent authors of (text)books on airports. Compared to the first two editions (1984 and 1997) this one has three new chapters on airport safety management systems, operations control centers, and sustainability and environmental capacity. The new chapters, together with the refreshment and updates of the whole text reflect the reality of the complex ever-changing world of airports.

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Airport Operations, Third Edition PDF

Senin, 26 Oktober 2015

Ebook Download The Federal Courts: Challenge and Reform, Revised Edition

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The Federal Courts: Challenge and Reform, Revised Edition

The Federal Courts: Challenge and Reform, Revised Edition

The Federal Courts: Challenge and Reform, Revised Edition

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Yeah, checking out a book The Federal Courts: Challenge And Reform, Revised Edition can include your buddies listings. This is among the solutions for you to be successful. As recognized, success does not suggest that you have excellent points. Recognizing as well as recognizing even more than other will certainly offer each success. Close to, the message and impression of this The Federal Courts: Challenge And Reform, Revised Edition could be taken and selected to act.

The Federal Courts: Challenge and Reform, Revised Edition

From Library Journal

In a revised and substantially improved edition of his classic 1985 book, The Federal Courts: Crisis and Reform, Posner, chief judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, provides an insightful and distinctive examination of the problems and challenges that have arisen from the unprecedented growth in caseload in federal courts. He shows that this growth has had many consequences for the structure and operation of the federal judiciary. Using an economic approach to litigation to assess the costs and benefits of reforming the federal judiciary, Posner raises critical objections to simple palliatives for judicial reform, such as specialized courts or limiting or abolishing diversity jurisdiction. Instead, he proposes fundamental reforms for the role of federal courts within our federal system. Posner's thoughtful analysis is highly recommended for academic and law libraries.?Steven Puro, St. Louis Univ.Copyright 1997 Reed Business Information, Inc.

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In a revised and substantially improved edition of his classic 1985 book, The Federal Courts: Crisis and Reform, Posner, chief judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, provides an insightful and distinctive examination of the problems and challenges that have arisen from the unprecedented growth in caseload in federal courts...[His] thoughtful analysis is highly recommended. (Library Journal)[T]he book provides a comprehensive evaluation of the federal judiciary. While Posner raises serious concerns about the burgeoning caseload in federal appellate courts, he also carefully distinguishes the caseload from the workload...Posner's thought-provoking proposals are worth consideration. Anyone concerned with the judicial administration of appellate courts should read this book. (Mary Massaron Ross State Bar of Michigan Appellate Practice Section Newsletter)

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See all Editorial Reviews

Product details

Hardcover: 430 pages

Publisher: Harvard University Press (November 1, 1996)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 9780674296268

ISBN-13: 978-0674296268

ASIN: 0674296265

Product Dimensions:

6.8 x 1.5 x 9.8 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.6 pounds

Average Customer Review:

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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#1,860,100 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

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The Federal Courts: Challenge and Reform, Revised Edition PDF

The Federal Courts: Challenge and Reform, Revised Edition PDF
The Federal Courts: Challenge and Reform, Revised Edition PDF

Ebook Free How to Eat a Low-Salt Diet: Tips and Tricks to Help You with Low-Sodium Shopping, Cooking, and Restaurants

Ebook Free How to Eat a Low-Salt Diet: Tips and Tricks to Help You with Low-Sodium Shopping, Cooking, and Restaurants

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How to Eat a Low-Salt Diet: Tips and Tricks to Help You with Low-Sodium Shopping, Cooking, and Restaurants

How to Eat a Low-Salt Diet: Tips and Tricks to Help You with Low-Sodium Shopping, Cooking, and Restaurants

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How to Eat a Low-Salt Diet: Tips and Tricks to Help You with Low-Sodium Shopping, Cooking, and Restaurants

Product details

Paperback: 102 pages

Publisher: Jennifer Brannon (January 29, 2018)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0999799118

ISBN-13: 978-0999799116

Product Dimensions:

5 x 0.3 x 8 inches

Shipping Weight: 5.9 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

5.0 out of 5 stars

1 customer review

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#106,474 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

Its a great and simple book with practical advice.

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How to Eat a Low-Salt Diet: Tips and Tricks to Help You with Low-Sodium Shopping, Cooking, and Restaurants PDF
How to Eat a Low-Salt Diet: Tips and Tricks to Help You with Low-Sodium Shopping, Cooking, and Restaurants PDF

Jumat, 16 Oktober 2015

Ebook The Secret Of The Rosary

Ebook The Secret Of The Rosary

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The Secret Of The Rosary

The Secret Of The Rosary

The Secret Of The Rosary

Ebook The Secret Of The Rosary

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The Secret Of The Rosary

About the Author

The author of The Secret of the Rosary and the originator of total consecration to Mary, St. Louis-Marie Grignion De Montfort (1673-1716) remains one of the greatest apostles of Marian devotion the world has ever known. As a young priest, De Montfort dedicated himself to preaching to the people. This highly gifted orator's language was simple but full of divine love, much as you will find in True Devotion to Mary. De Montfort's whole life was marked by constant prayer, love for the poor and holy joy in humiliations and persecutions. De Montfort was canonized by Pius XII in 1947.

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Product details

Paperback: 152 pages

Publisher: TAN Books (August 1, 1993)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0895550563

ISBN-13: 978-0895550569

Product Dimensions:

4.2 x 0.4 x 7 inches

Shipping Weight: 4 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.8 out of 5 stars

216 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#23,966 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

This great work has increased my faith and trust in the Mercy of God and in our Blessed Mother, Mary. I have joined the Confraternity of the Rosary through the Dominicans and pledge to say at least five decades daily. It,s amazing how faith, hope, trust, belief and love and grow. I don't ever want to lose any of that. May God bless those who understand what I am trying to say.

This book was surprisingly easy to read - it provides great insight into what it means to "pray the rosary". It discusses the meanings of each decade and the meaning behind the words of the Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory be. This book also provides helpful tips on how to minimize distraction and faithfully pray the rosary every day. I enjoyed this book.

If you want to know about the Rosary; whether Catholic or just curious, this is a great book. There are many books that this Saint has written about Mary, the Mother of Jesus. He devoted his priestly life to her. There are four great books written on him with eyewitness accounts. The fifth one is written in the late 1900's on his spirituality, sociology, and psychological aspects. All are very fascinating.This book The Secret of the Rosary; as well as the other books he has written are so needed in today's world. Catholics bring out your beautiful Blessed Rosaries and begin saying them faithfully.Remember what you promise to God, He holds you to every word come Judgement Day. Don't break your promises. Don't swear to God unless you absolutely mean it, for He takes you at your very word without all the adjectives and adverbs that confuse the human tongue and mind.

I thought this book will bore me but instead I was captivated by it. This is a simple yet powerful book that explains the devotion to the holy rosary, its history, promises, etc. It also gives the readers an instruction on how to pray the rosary that opens up the faithful to the merits of heaven.

The Holy Rosary is the most powerful spiritual weapon available to humans regardless of denomination. What a shame so few people take advantage of it. The Prince of the world Beelzebub hates it! I use the name Beelzebub instead of Satan because it is more accurate translating into the "the lord of dung," or "the dung-god." One must wonder why the Post Vatican II Catholic Church de-emphasized this devotion as they did so many others. To find out why visithttp://www.vaticancatholic.com or http://www.fatima.org

I will not attempt to review this classic work but rather this new edition from Catholic Book Publishers. Fantastic idea to issue an edition of this book in their attractive and durable leather-like binding. Since this is a book many people go back to over the years, it makes sense to offer a rugged edition with ribbon.

This book is fantastic. This is a must for anyone who utilizes the Holy Rosary. Even if you have been praying to the Holy Rosary for years, you will learn something that is beneficial. I would also recommend this to anyone before they pray to the Holy Rosary, to ensure they are doing it correctly.

The book is smaller than anticipated, but absolutely gorgeous. It has gold edging and a nice gold ribbon for mark your place. Appears to be of high quality. I plan to order more to give as gifts...and oh, there is even a dedication page for doing so!

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The Secret Of The Rosary PDF

The Secret Of The Rosary PDF
The Secret Of The Rosary PDF

Selasa, 13 Oktober 2015

Ebook Free , by Molly E. Lee

Ebook Free , by Molly E. Lee

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, by Molly E. Lee

, by Molly E. Lee

, by Molly E. Lee

Ebook Free , by Molly E. Lee

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, by Molly E. Lee

Product details

File Size: 894 KB

Print Length: 202 pages

Page Numbers Source ISBN: 1983568325

Publisher: Entangled: Crush (January 8, 2018)

Publication Date: January 8, 2018

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English

ASIN: B077S88Y8H



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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#314,546 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

I love a good enemy/rivalry read. Love Between Enemies is amazing and just that.. Seriously this one will squeeze the heart and makes it clear that there is a fine line between love and war. Zoey and Gordon have been competing against each other all through grade school and high school. As true to any high school based story drama will occur and boy does it. You don't know who you want to side with or feel sorry for more. You see a chance for the hatchet to be buried and yet the war still ranging on at times too. I love the chemistry between Zoey and Gordon. They are so alike yet so perfect. True feelings finally come to light and just wow. There is such a thing as taking revenge too far and yet it does take a bigger person to admit the wrong. But not only to admit the wrong but to also make things right all around.If you've read Love in the Friend Zone then you know how grad night is getting on. I love how Molly is retelling it in snippets with each couple. She really makes you feel like you are there at the party following each and every group watching everything unfold. I'm having trouble deciding if I love Fynn and Braylen or Zoey and Gordon more. Grad Night series is amazing and you can't go wrong with this YA read. I'm so looking forward to Lennon and Jade's story next.

I received a free copy through NetGalley in exchange for an honest and unbiased review/opinion.3.5 stars — This one started off fantastically and ended leaving me super duper happy… It was just the middle that stretched a bit more than I’d like. Basically the book suffered from some similar pitfalls, or rather things that bothered me, as the first book in this series; I think I just had slightly less patience than I did for the first one. But quite a few of the things I loved about the first book were also present in this one. The funny thing is the concept of having the book take place in a 24 hour period was both a great strength because it made the book very unique, but also a source of trouble, as it makes the conflict in the book drag out a lot of the time. I’m not sure if I’m making sense. But it was another case of “will they, won’t they” and “I made a mistake, no I should stick to my guns.” Which is OK for a bit, but when it goes on too long I lose interest and just want to get to the next thing. This one was close, but…just a bit too much.But getting back to the beginning…while you definitely don’t need to read the first book in the series, I did and so I was already curious about what had happened to make Gordon snap, and what Zoey’s revenge plan was. I was worried that I wouldn’t end up liking either character actually, b/c they both didn’t leave a great impression in the previous book. And quite frankly, I don’t tend to seek out enemies to lovers stories b/c hate can make me uncomfortable…but Zoey and Gordon weren’t really enemies so much as adversaries…competitors. So it definitely wasn’t a normal enemies to lovers story, and I appreciated that personally. So all that to say that right from the prologue and first chapter I was relieved to connect with both Gordon and Zoey. And I didn’t have to wait very long to have my curiosity satisfied and to understand what would make Gordon and Zoey make such poor choices. And I did understand them. Both of them, though I will admit I sympathized more with Gordon’s situation than Zoey’s, but they were both struggling with challenges.I liked Zoey well enough, but I can’t honestly say I really fell in love with her. She was bright and fun and determined, but always it was overshadowed by her narrow minded focus on revenge. She was so tunneled in to her own problems, I feel like she forgot that if she didn’t confide in anyone, then they might not realize what her home life was like. One thing I did appreciate about her side of the story is that while her parents weren’t the best, they were also not monsters…basically they were flawed as well, and 3 dimensional. I liked how that resolved in the end, though part of me is not entirely sure if she learned a bigger lesson with all that happened… Obviously she regretted her revenge plan, but did she understand that perhaps not everyone’s motivations are the same? Hmmm….My heart broke for Gordon, and I can honestly say that I *did* fall in love with him. He was smart, hardworking, kind, loyal to his family, and just kind of adorable in his cluelessness. I feel like he learned more lessons than Zoey did…though I suppose I wish it would have been more obvious if he learned not to judge other people based on things he sees on the outside. The only thing that disappointed me a bit with his side of the story was how often he would almost tell Zoey the full story, but then choose not to. I understood why; he didn’t want that to be the excuse for his behavior, b/c it was wrong no matter what. But it was frustrating how often he’d cut himself off right before… Perhaps if it never came up it would have bothered me less.These books are interesting b/c in terms of steaminess, they are good examples of young adult…innocent and sweet and cute. I liked how innocent Zoey and Gordon were, and that made their kiss that much more satisfying. BUT in terms of the details in the partying, the drinking games, I could see some stricter readers classifying it more mature young adult. For me, I kind of liked that it didn’t pull any punches in that direction, it made it feel more authentic and realistic. And now I want to play True Americans, or at least figure out what it’s about. They definitely had a lot of fun moments at the party together, learning what it would be like if they supported instead of competed.I loved seeing little glimpses of Braylen and Fynn throughout the story, and I’m just that much more excited to see what’s going on with Lennon and Jade. I wouldn’t have minded more stories from this group of seniors. But this one was a bit lighter on the secondary cast. We did get Gordon’s Dad, who was amazeballs, but most of the others played very small roles.So all in all I still really enjoyed myself, just not *quite* as much as with Bray and Fynn. But I seriously can’t wait for the next one.

Ms. Lee, you are impressive. The setting of this book is the same party from the introductory novel, but it's awesome to read how this featured couple handle the events and fallout of the occasion. Gordon and Zoey have been academic adversaries since elementary school. They've competed for the top spot for so long, they've hardly noticed how inspiring the other person is; how the person's drive keeps up their own determined pace. Even less noticeable? Their romantic potential! I loved the vulnerability and willingness to yield when the other was threatened. Gordon and Zoey took a walk in each other's shoes and it was necessary exposure. They appreciated and respected each other even more and learned to accept their own blessings. Seriously in love with this series! The rock star and the mathlete star in the next installment. When Lennon yelled after Jade at the party, I knew hearts were a fire. So ready!

So I did something I haven’t had to do in a while. I bought a book. *gasp! And of all things, I bought a young adult romance book! *bigger gasp!!OK, so all joking aside, young adult fiction just isn’t my thing. Usually. Unless Molly E. Lee is the author. Then, because she is as awesome as you’d think she is, and I LOVED her EDGE series, I gave book 1 in this series a try. Kind of helped that I was able to read an ARC. But this time around I didn’t score one. And money has been really tight for a while. But it’s Molly’s work... so I did it! And it was birthday money WELL spent! I literally JUST finished this book after binge reading it in just under 3 hours. I couldn’t STOP until I found out how it all got worked out!If you haven’t discovered the joy that is reading a story written by Molly, GO! NOW! You don’t know what you are missing!

Wow!!! Another great book in the Grad Night Series!!!Gordon & Zoey have been battling with for years, back and forth since grade school.When everything falls apart for Gordon, of course it get really bad before it can get better.An epic grad party... The girl of his dreams... A scholarship... An internship...I loved this book!

“I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book."I enjoy Molly's writing!!This is the second book in the Grad Night series. Both books can be read as a standalone.Gordon and ZoeyThese two characters are always competing one another, but there is romance between them. A very nice light read.Overall, I really enjoyed this story. I can't wait to see what it is in store for the next book in the series.

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, by Molly E. Lee PDF

, by Molly E. Lee PDF
, by Molly E. Lee PDF