Jumat, 30 Januari 2015

Download PDF 21: The Story Of Roberto Clemente

Download PDF 21: The Story Of Roberto Clemente

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21: The Story Of Roberto Clemente

21: The Story Of Roberto Clemente

21: The Story Of Roberto Clemente

Download PDF 21: The Story Of Roberto Clemente

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21: The Story Of Roberto Clemente


“Santiago’s graphic novel captures the talent of Clemente the baseball player while also showcasing and illuminating the many simple and human qualities of the man that forged him into an honest and authentic hero. 21's complex yet accessible narrative and profound artwork make it a swift and affecting experience...” - Kyle Davis, Call to the Pen“It’s not just the subject matter that’s a winner here. Santiago has a knack for simplicity in his storytelling approach, and in a medium that’s often beset by needless complexity, that’s a rare gift.” - Tim Reinert, Four Colours & the Truth

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About the Author

Wilfred Santiago was born in Ponce, Puerto Rico. He now lives in Chicago.

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Product details

Paperback: 200 pages

Publisher: Fantagraphics Books; 1 edition (September 30, 2014)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1606997750

ISBN-13: 978-1606997758

Product Dimensions:

6 x 0.7 x 7.7 inches

Shipping Weight: 11.2 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

3.8 out of 5 stars

26 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#438,434 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

As an only very occasional reader of graphic novels, or graphic non-fiction, I have no real basis, nor any desire, to try to view this terrific little book in relation to other graphic works. All I can tell you is that I thoroughly enjoyed it. Not really a biography in in any literal sense of the term, it does paint an interesting portrait of the life and times of this fascinating and admirable man. I also have never read a standard biography of Clemente (though I am more motivated now than I was before I read this), so I cannot say precisely how much liberty Santiago may or may not have taken.What I can say is that this is a lovely, lively and very idiosyncratic look at Clemente, his childhood, his growing up and his adult life as one of baseball's all-time greats and greatest symbols of its once status of more-than-a-game. Santiago's style is fluid, muscular and light at the same time. His pictures dance and breathe and bleed from one frame, one page, to the next with grace and style. The book is a joy to look at. It's pretty good to read, too.My only real complaint is that, maybe by design, Clemente never quite emerges as a three dimensional person (no pun intended). For all the breath-taking artistry on display, this remains an essay, a sort of prose poem to Clemente. I admit this may be my problem, not the book's - it in no way claims, or seems to intend, to be documentary. But I still wanted just a little more flesh. The only thing that kept me from clicking five stars instead of four.

Wilfred Santiago's beautiful graphic novel of Roberto Clemente is not just another biopic of one of our country's most important heroes. Anyone familiar with Clemente knows his life story from the countless biographies, documentaries and tributes that have been created over the years. Yet, Santiago is able to capture the grace and movement of Clemente as a human being and as a hero unlike any previous book. If you love baseball, you will be amazed at the power and energy of the baseball scenes. If you love heroes, you will be inspired all over again at Clemente's sense of justice and honesty. If you are a fan of graphic novels and comics, you will spend hours marveling at the beauty of the illustrations. If you are American and/or Puerto Rican, you will be so proud of Santiago's tribute and of Clemente's unparalleled life. This is a book to treasure and return to again and again. My only regret, we need a Spanish version. There are hundreds of thousands of fans of baseball and Clemente in Latin America and the Caribbean, not to mention hispanoparlantes here in the United States who would apreciarlo mucho!

The art for Clemente is fantastic. Santiago does a beautiful job illustrating the characters of the stories and the images of baseball in action. The landscapes of Puerto Rico are wonderful and the page layout is modern and interesting. As a piece of art, this book easily deserves 5 stars and I would absolutely recommend it to any baseball fan, artist, or graphic novel enthusiast. My only complaint is that the story is overly fractured, and skips over pivotal moments in Clemente's baseball and philanthropic careers. Overall, a nice little book that would make an excellent addition to any graphic novel or baseball library.

People sometimes complain that graphic novels are labelled "comic books," but they too often look like comic books and nothing more. "21," instead, brilliantly exploits the illustrations in the telling of the tale. Santiago makes the visuals as exciting as his story. And the story of Roberto Clemente--personal and professional--is remarkable.It's the combination of narrative and art that makes "21" the kind of book that repays repeated readings.

A lovely, lively look at one of the greats of the game. Author Santiago personalizes a complex man, one who played with unsurpassed intensity on the field. A terrific read.Highly recommended for all readers.

what a interesting way to tell the story of one of baseball's great. i was totally engaged throughout the entire book. with dynamic images and a compelling story this is a home run.

Beautiful illustrations, and a really nice synopsis of the great Roberto Clemente's life inside and outside of baseball. Must-read for baseball fans, and Pirates fans in particular.

A really creative adaptation of Clemente's story. Perfect for relating middle school and high school students to a remarkable man.

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21: The Story Of Roberto Clemente PDF

21: The Story Of Roberto Clemente PDF
21: The Story Of Roberto Clemente PDF

Jumat, 02 Januari 2015

Ebook Free Boundaries After a Pathological Relationship

Ebook Free Boundaries After a Pathological Relationship

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Boundaries After a Pathological Relationship

Boundaries After a Pathological Relationship

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Boundaries After a Pathological Relationship

Product details

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Audible Audiobook

Listening Length: 1 hour and 15 minutes

Program Type: Audiobook

Version: Unabridged

Publisher: Post Hypnotic Press Inc.

Audible.com Release Date: March 13, 2018

Language: English, English


Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

20 years of marriage with a Psychopath has left my boundaries shreded. He could never admit that my emotions, thoughts or point of view was mine; never give me an "uh huh" when I spoke, much less a "really!" or "cool." He stole (or tired to steal) my words, thoughts, conversations and relationships if he liked them; and invalidated me and them when he didn't. It's been a hard recovery, but books like this have helped a lot.

This will take you a day to read and will change your point of view. I am a person who always looks for the good in others. I stubbornly thought that would give me a magic power. Not true. The world is how it is. People are people. Some weaker than others and as the book said more than willing to take, take and take some more. Develop yourself, your senses and boundaries to filter out the good ones. Read this book!

Liked this short book a lot. I have always had an issue understanding and holding boundaries in my life. I am an Empath I guess, I am sensitive and I try to give people chances. Cluster B personality disordered toxic people do not deserve ANY chances. They will NEVER change. I went in eyes wide open and I still got stuck in the snare. Awful. So now I'm seeking how to ensure this never happens again.

I highly recommend this book to anyone who has suffered any abuse. I grew up in a family with all the varieties of abuse. I married a covert manipulator, and I chose to leave after 23 years. I'm 5 years on my own, and still learning new things about becoming the real empowered me. This resource is incredibly helpful to assist in healing from abuse. The author's lists of our Rights in Ch. 7, or her list of our Needs and examples of Invalidation in Ch 4. were exact. I found it was an excellent follow-up to read after her other book " 30 Covert Emotional Manipulation Tactics". This book helps define personal boundaries: how we lost them, and how we can begin to develop them and proceed on a path to feeling strong. These boundaries can be used with all kinds of relationships because our behaviours of low self-esteem and low self-worth carry from one relationship to another. It can be an excellent guide to those feeling lost and overwhelmed about how to start healing their sense of brokenness; gain back some self-love; and provide a starting point about what to do to get stronger, and feel empowered and whole again. I also recommend the author's website psychopathsandlove.com for insightful articles.

It's like abusers can sense I'll make a good victim and they keep showing up. Up until reading this book i was trying to cling to the idea: if I'm nice to people they'll be nice back. Stopping there will get you used, abused, manipulated, and rejected. Then you're left wondering 'How can this happen to me *again*!? Do I have a sign on my back?' For me, this book is helping me to put a stop to that.Along with validating my experiences and feelings this book also did something I hadn't heard of: make a game so you know how to deal with something when it arises. This is a game-changer for me. Up till now I would just wing-it with people and the same situations keep coming up. This book has clarified things while being a short read. The author refreshingly has chosen to *not* clog the book with useless information just to make the book thicker. I thank her for that!

This book was helpful in helping me understand what healthy boundaries looked like. If I had them and realized the importance of using them, I would have been protected from the Spath that I allowed into my life. But, I also wouldn't have my daughter or be the woman that I am today. Great book on boundaries or "rules" and how to create and enforce them. But most importantly it brings about the understanding that you will never know if a guy cares for you unless you give him boundaries so he can prove to you he does. How will you know he cares? He'll follow your rules.

This was extremely helpful as I was leaving a 7 year abusive relationship. My head was so mixed up, I couldn't understand why dating was so difficult. I was reacting defensively. This taught me how to make my own boundaries and had examples of things I wouldn't have thought of myself. Some of it seems like it should be common sense, but it was like hearing it for the first time. Very empowering.

This book is my bible. A perfect book for anyone and everyone who as been a victim of any type of horrifying relationship with a covert manipulator, narcissist, psychopath, domestic abuser, sexual abuse or any other personal relationship trauma. I have highlighted almost every word in this book. I read it over and over, I put it down for a while and then pick it back up and it is always spot on. A validating book for anyone who is looking to understand what happened and vows never to let it happen again.

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Boundaries After a Pathological Relationship PDF