Minggu, 25 Desember 2016

Get Free Ebook Ordinary Injustice: How America Holds Court

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Ordinary Injustice: How America Holds Court

Ordinary Injustice: How America Holds Court

Ordinary Injustice: How America Holds Court

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Ordinary Injustice: How America Holds Court

About the Author

Amy Bach, a member of the New York bar, has written on law for The Nation, The American Lawyer, and New York magazine, among other publications. For her work in progress on Ordinary Injustice, Bach received a Soros Media Fellowship, a special J. Anthony Lukas citation, and a Radcliffe Fellowship. She lives in Rochester, New York, where she taught legal studies at the University of Rochester.

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Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.

CHAPTER ONE“WHAT’S A DEFENSE?”I didn’t know I was going to jail,“ I heard a defendant say as she stood before the judge in Greene County, Georgia. Of course she didn’t. No one had told her the consequences of pleading guilty. Most people, educated or not, often have no idea what a guilty plea actually means: the conviction of a crime that subjects them to incarceration, fines, probation, a criminal record with unforeseen future consequences. Many do not even know that a guilty plea is not mandatory or that an appeal after conviction at trial is possible, even though a judge is required to correctly advise defendants before any plea.I had first come to Greene County in 2001 after hearing about the chaos in its court system which seemed representative of a statewide problem; and I continued to visit for weeks at a time over the next five years. As required by the U.S. Supreme Court precedent, the county was fulfilling the obligation to provide attorneys to those who couldn’t afford them. With little state oversight, court-appointed lawyers, for a variety of reasons, were sacrificing the interests of their most vulnerable and malleable constituency—the defendants they were supposed to be protecting. In this process, the defense lawyer, the judge, and prosecutor formed a kind of a tag team—charge the accused, assign a lawyer, prosecute, plead, sentence—with slight regard for the distinctions and complexities of each case.Robert E. Surrency was under contract with Greene County to represent poor people accused of crime. He was not employed by the county full-time; he continued to represent a number of paying clients as well. Even so, his private work was not lucrative enough, so he needed the indigent defense contract to support himself. On an annual basis, his caseload was double the national recommendation for a full-time attorney.Surrency was raised in Media, Pennsylvania, where his father, Erwin C. Surrency, had worked as the law librarian and assistant dean for Temple Law School. “I grew up in the stacks,“ he said of his upbringing. Surrency’s father, whom he admired greatly, had been born and married in Georgia. In turn, Surrency attended Mercer University in Macon, where he had kin. Afterward, he headed back to Temple for law, passed the Pennsylvania Bar, and landed a clerkship with a state court judge for whom he helped write opinions. He then hung out a shingle as a solo practitioner and established a civil-law practice. In the mid-1980s his father decided to return to Georgia to become the director of the library at the University of Georgia Law School. Surrency, in his thirties, chose to move as well. He opened a law practice on Main Street in Watkinsville, Georgia, conveniently located near several other towns, Madison and Greensboro, and near his father in Athens. But he found it hard to make a living. Surrency seemed to lack the relationships those who had grown up there enjoyed. An old-time attorney explained that Georgians born and bred “kind of rule around here” and that Surrency constantly had to prove himself. “He was a stranger,“ the attorney said. Surrency’s practice foundered.One afternoon in 1987, he drove the thirty-five-minute trip to Greene County’s courthouse and ran into Chip Atkins, a longtime local lawyer. Atkins had been the public defender but no longer wanted the job. He said that the contract to represent poor people was up for “bid,“ and urged him to apply. Surrency won the contract by offering to handle all the routine cases for fifteen thousand dollars, plus seventy-five dollars an hour for serious cases like murder; his bid, which came in at about twenty thousand dollars total, was slightly lower than anyone else’s, he explained. In his first year, he represented forty defendants while maintaining a private practice. “It was a good side job,“ Surrency said.In the fourteen years that followed, his public caseload multiplied tenfold, while the amount of time he devoted to each case inevitably shrank. In 2001, the year I first met him, 1,359 people were arrested and held in the Greene County jail. Because the vast majority of criminal defendants nationwide are too poor to afford a lawyer, many of those arrested in Greene County would become his clients. During the same fourteen years, Surrency’s pay rose only to $42,150.Nonetheless, Surrency claimed to have achieved good results. He settled a large number of cases through plea-bargaining, which he called “a uniquely productive way to do business.” It got his clients in and out of the system quickly, which, he maintained, was what they wanted; and it saved him from having to defend clients whose cases he did not have time to try. Holding onto his contract depended on, among other things, expediting the process. If he got stuck on one client, he couldn’t push the rest through. The judges expected him to perform—one had a motto, “Slow justice is no justice”—and could complain to the county commissioners, who had a lot of influence with the committee that awarded Surrency’s contract.Outsiders and a few insiders, such as the head clerk and Surrency’s former paralegal, saw him as the quintessential “meet ‘em, greet ‘em, and plead ‘em lawyer” who met his defendants minutes before they would face the judge and who, by then, had few options but to plead guilty. Even so, Surrency insisted he was helping people. He saw himself as a man of experience who was defending the poor. He helped extract the innocent from the system and shepherd the guilty through an imperfect and unjust world.When I arrived at the Greene County courthouse just before nine in the morning to watch Surrency in action, he was trudging up the stairs to the courtroom. He had red tousled hair and wore a loose grey suit. The old courtroom, with its ceiling fans and creaky floors, was packed. Those who didn’t have a seat overflowed into the hallways outside. Surrency looked distracted and then defeated as he saw the crowd that awaited him. Some, waving papers, laid into him with frustrated questions. Many had phoned him about their cases but had not heard back, or had spoken with him briefly and been told to meet with him before court. They were swarming around him like gnats. “Everybody back up. Back up,“ he said. “I’ll try to get to talk to all of you before you go to the judge.”I had come on the first day of “trial week,“ the term of court when this rural court attempts to resolve cases that have built up over the previous quarter with jury trials. The label is a misnomer. In four years, Surrency had taken only fourteen cases to trial out of 1,493; he won five. The rest of the cases he managed during that period—more than 99 percent—he plea-bargained. In this particular session no cases went to trial. People either pleaded guilty or had their cases rescheduled, a drill that took only two days. There were 142 defendants on the court calendar and 89 were Surrency’s. In a flash, it seemed, forty-eight of his clients rose from the rickety dark wooden benches, one after the other, to plead guilty. After the first day I spent in court observing him, he announced, “We have successfully done a ten-page calendar in one day!” For Surrency, speed meant success.In court, he would yell out a client’s name, like the hostess at a restaurant clearing the wait list. “Mr. Jones, are you here?” Then he would peruse the list of plea offers the prosecutor had given him and tell his defendant how much he or she would have to pay in fines or serve in jail time. If the defendant didn’t want to plead, the matter was held over until the next trial week. Surrency theorized that the longer a case dragged on, the more likely it was that incriminating witnesses might forget what had happened. His job had devolved into this: Plead guilty or come back another day.Can a defense lawyer plead virtually all his cases and still be doing a decent job? In assessing the quality of a lawyer’s work, the number of cases he pleads out is less significant than the amount of attention he gives to each one. What is required of him is not necessarily research in law books, but investigation and client contact: initial interviews about what led to the arrest or the charge; discussions, for example, with the prosecutor’s witnesses to assess their strength, or with the arresting police officer; perhaps a review of any forensic reports or psychiatric evaluations. What’s needed is a range of basic inquiries involving phone calls or brief meetings that go toward deciding strategy for everything from bail setting to finding evidence.Surrency had little time to talk in detail to his clients, and so he often had limited information to use in their favor. It was thus difficult for him to bargain with prosecutors to secure a more lenient sentence, nor could he produce the ultimate trump card: a willingness to go to trial when his clients claimed innocence. Many of them risked losing their homes, children, and livelihoods if they pleaded guilty, and yet his actions remained the same: His caseload often made it hard for him to clarify the facts—for example, whether his client had been the ringleader or had acted without intent or was guilty of a lesser crime—which is the kind of information that can mitigate the severity of a sentence or get charges dropped in negotiation.Part of Surrency’s problem was that his contract did not fund investigations or expert witnesses. For these, Surrency would have to ask the judge to provide funds or just lay out the money and then ask for reimbursement, which he didn’t like to do. He didn’t want to get people riled up about spending the county’s money. Moreover, he claimed not to need these resources, anyway, because most of his cases were “pretty open and shut.” Und...

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Product details

Paperback: 320 pages

Publisher: Picador; 1 edition (August 3, 2010)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0805092277

ISBN-13: 978-0805092271

Product Dimensions:

5.4 x 0.9 x 8 inches

Shipping Weight: 9.6 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.4 out of 5 stars

29 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#108,607 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

In four reportorial chapters and one author's summary Bach portrays a legal system seriously dysfunctional, broken, and downright frightening. It is both an eye-opener to those of us non-initiates to the legal system (i.e., most of us) and a call for reform, greater transparency, and greater accountability to those it serves: all U.S. citizens.In easily readable, jargon-free prose Bach manages to both portray the systemic ills and deliver its impact on real people: both defendants and victims of crime. She memorably depicts the harm done to people's lives by this broken system by interviewing those involved and making us understand how it directly affects them. All this in ideologically balanced, well-argued prose which makes the four chapters so memorable and, ultimately, so tragic.(Think of medical malpractice run wild and unchecked and the damage that would do, and you'll get some idea of how broken the legal system is as portrayed in this book.)The four chapters cover the criminal legal process at the state, not the federal, level by depicting systemic problems in each:1. A public defender's system in Georgia.2. A rogue judge in Troy, New York3. A ream of deserving but unprosecuted cases in Mississippi4. A wrongful conviction for murder in ChicagoEach presents the legal system delivering injustice due to ineptness, incompetence, a lack of adequate resources, or unchecked police/prosecutorial zeal and fervor.Any person who might ever be involved in the U.S. court system should read this book. It's a call for action, now.

Enlightening book, but it was a little dry in my opinion. Also, I had to read this for a class at my University, so I wasn't to keen on it from the get-go. Another book that I read in that class, that I find much more interesting is "Just Mercy" by Bryan Stevenson.

Make informed decisions. Before you have a need-to-know, read the eye-opening "Ordinary Injustice" and discuss with family and friends. Amy Bach shares her much-researched knowledge with us about the true workings of our court system today. From the police world through prosecutor processes, under-financed defense teams and the various connections with judges. Behind the headlines of a person being arrested, tried and convicted, this might give you a whole new perspective. You might have reason to doubt those headlines. Do you have blind faith in our justice system and feel it is superior to those in foreign countries? You might change your mind.

This book is worth reading for anyone who is interested in how the courts work or the nature and quality of justice in America or anyone contemplating a career in law, law enforcement, county government, or state government. It is written in the style that is somewhere between good magazine journalism and a serious academic research paper. But the author moves around enough and quickly enough so that she pretty much keeps our interest. It is an interesting blend of legal procedures, everyday courtroom drama, American legal history, and, best of all, constitutional law. Along the way, it raises some serious questions about how well or poorly the system works, the way it is monitored (or not), and, perhaps most important, the ways in which change occurs and the reasons it often does not.

Amy Bach has written about how people in the criminal justice system can suffer from empathy/justice fatigue a form of neural adaptation where they become desensitized to injustice. She gives four rather extreme examples of this process.An unjust outcome can be the result of wrongful arrest, charge, conviction, sentencing, incarceration and revocation of parole/probation. The most frequent unjust outcome would be a wrongful arrest on a simple misdemeanor where the person arrested quickly discovers that their least costly option is to plead guilty, pay the fine and move on. Complaints about the police are investigated by the police and in the vast majority of the cases the officer is upheld. Anyone who pleads not guilty to a simple misdemeanor risks annoying the judge, prosecutor and public defender who all think their time is being wasted.Charging errors are fairly common and they should be detected and corrected as early in the process as possible. The only real supervision of plea-bargaining is by the judge and if the judge has a large case load supervision is probably cursory. Sentencing is very complex process and it is easy to make a sentencing error (in some states the Department of Correction will discover sentencing errors and send the prisoner back to court for re-sentencing). One possible reason for a wrongful incarceration is because of a faulty/waived pre-sentence investigation.The system is a confederation of independent governmental and non-governmental agencies with a common set of clients. There is no oversight and no effective constituency and no single entity has the authority to fix stuff that is broken. I hope Amy Bach has made it harder for people to claim "The system does not need to be fixed because it is not broken."

I had to get this book for one of my criminal justice classes and my professor kept saying that it was a great read and reminded us to hurry up and read it. I didn't expect much from it, honestly, but once I started on it, I finished it in--no kidding--two days! It was really interesting and insightful and really painted a whole different picture for people to see what really went on behind the curtains. Even though for people that aren't a criminal justice major, I definitely recommend this book to read, just so you can learn new things and see from different perspectives of how the law works. Because seriously, EVERYONE should care about how the law works because it may affect you in some way in the future.

A pretty good book. However, I feel like it loses sight of the fact that compared to most of the world, our "criminals" are pretty lucky, and have more Constitutional protections than not.

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Ordinary Injustice: How America Holds Court PDF
Ordinary Injustice: How America Holds Court PDF

Jumat, 09 Desember 2016

PDF Download God Bless You and Good Night (A God Bless Book)

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God Bless You and Good Night (A God Bless Book)

About the Author

Hannah C. Hall estimates that she has read approximately 4,500 bedtime stories to her children over the last few years. She is thankful to get to add her own books to their daily rotation. Hannah and her husband, Josh, have five children and live in a small town in Arkansas.          

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Product details

Age Range: 4 - 8 years

Grade Level: Preschool - 2

Series: A God Bless Book

Hardcover: 32 pages

Publisher: Thomas Nelson (February 6, 2018)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1400308976

ISBN-13: 978-1400308972

Product Dimensions:

10.4 x 0.4 x 10.3 inches

Shipping Weight: 15.2 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.9 out of 5 stars

812 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#4,873 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

I bought this for my five year old granddaughter to read to her new baby brother. It is just adorable and sweet with a very gentle story appropriate for young children. The religious part is actually very subtle only mentioning saying bedtime prayers and then ending with God Bless You Goodnight at the very end. That was an important factor because I wanted to encourage the granddaughters belief in God without stepping on the toes of her mother who is not a believer yet. Highly recommended for very young children or older children to read to younger siblings.

This is a fabulous book! I bought it, and several others, for our newest grandbaby, and this is by far the nicest of the group. It has a thickly padded cover, very sturdy pages, absolutely beautiful illustrations, and lovely rhymes on every page. I purchased this on a whim, not knowing how truly great it is, and I am so glad that I did! Because this will be with the new baby, I will probably purchase another to keep at my house! Terrific book!

This book is adorable, I was very happy with it. I can see why it's so highly rated, it's just a sweet little book that you can read at bedtime to your babies. The outer covers are soft and puffy which is comfortable for little hands; and its pages are hard too which will last longer than paper. It has nine flip pages.

Short book just right for my granddaughter. She is only 6 months old. So short attention span. I would definitely recommend this book.

This was a gift, but we had to read it first. Made us cry. Then Momma said the first time she read it to our grandson, that she, too, cried. It's not sad... but very touching. Loved it!

This book is absolutely beautiful ! It is not what one eould think a board book is, the jacket is padded, the story is lovely, the measurements are of a average size book. Illustrations are top notch ! This book is a treasure and should be treated as such !The only issue is, it was packed unprotected and right under the tape, when opening the box,(which had no warning) the back of the book sustained a scratch ☹ , how can I gift this now?

I was given this book as a gift for my little girl. It's turned out to be her favorite book at 8months. I've since bought it for upcoming baby shower gifts instead of giving a card. Beautiful and sweet book.

This story is adorable with cute rhymes and pictures. Just the right length for my 2 and a half year old. So glad I ordered this!

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God Bless You and Good Night (A God Bless Book) PDF

God Bless You and Good Night (A God Bless Book) PDF
God Bless You and Good Night (A God Bless Book) PDF

Sabtu, 03 Desember 2016

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, by Gary Zimak

Product details

File Size: 5062 KB

Print Length: 161 pages

Page Numbers Source ISBN: 1594718814

Publisher: Ave Maria Press (January 25, 2019)

Publication Date: January 25, 2019

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#1,850 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

Gary Zimak doesn’t sugar coat his struggles or his strong Catholic Faith; his newest book, Give up Worry for Lent, is evidence of both.Gary has a way of pointing to active solutions for anxiety/worry in a simple, concrete and encouraging way. I often find myself reading his work and wondering why I had never noticed (before) a particular or obvious truth that he has brought to light. He has a gift of uncovering nuggets of wisdom that come from his own personal journey to overcome anxiety. His work can help someone with a serious anxiety disorder but is also helpful for anyone who is trying to stay positive.

Not until I read Gary Zimak's book did I realize how many areas of life where worry occurs. Not intentional, but something that is naturally wired into our human psyche. Give Up Worry for Lent! is a daily lesson on focusing on the areas of life where we can control worry not only during Lent, but as a guide EVERY day of the year!By waking up five minutes earlier, these short chapters are a way to start the day on the right note and keep your path directed in a positive direction despite life's obstacles that may come your way.In thanking Gary Zimak for his book, as a fruit of the leading of the Holy Spirit, I commend him for providing my daily dose of 'vitamin Z'!Jeff BlackwellDirector of OperationsCatholic Community RadioNew Orleans - Baton Rouge

We give up chocolate, we give up tv, but what if instead we gave up worry for Lent? Many of us can be bogged down by fear instead of relying in the trust that Jesus desires from us. This devotional specifically focuses on helping the reader dwell in God's rich mercy and move away from fear. I think that it would be a perfect challenge to help any Christian combat the anxieties of everyday life, hopefully forming new habits of trust and peace.Ave Maria Press provided me with a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

This book, like the other's Gary has written, is great. He is not a professional therapist, so there is no grand theory of why you are the way you are. I love this because instead of spending chapters on the why we jump right into the "how" of making ourselves better. If you want to work towards a better you, with the help of God, Gary has the perfect plan. I would not hesitate to buy this book for anyone struggling with anxiety, and I would even use it for someone going through a stressful period of their life. The exercises and quotes apply well to both.

For those self proclaimed "worry worts" (myself included), this book is ideal as a daily reminder during Lent that, if we have a personal relationship with Jesus, there is no room for worry and fear. Why? Because Jesus has our backs and "all things work together for good to them that love God and are called according to His purpose." All things work for good- even our sufferings and crosses. How comforting is that? We just have to trust in the Lord and His plan for us. "Give Up Worry for Lent!" is the perfect daily Lenten program with a short Scripture verse regarding worry, fear, hope, trust, surrender, peace, etc., followed by a reflection on that verse, a practical response and a short prayer. It is a great way to unplug for a few minutes each day and remember all that the Lord has done for us and how he continues to work in our lives. The book teaches us that the closer we become to Jesus through prayer, reading Scripture and receiving the Sacraments, the more peace (and, therefore, less worry and anxiety) we will experience in our lives.I highly recommend this book to all who want to experience an enriched Lenten season.

This book is an absolute treasure for your Lenten journey or anytime you need a bit of encouragement. Gary Zimak has a gift for moving all of us, no matter where we are on our faith journey. Daily exercises include a bible verse, meditation, call to action and prayer. If you’re looking for a positive and permanent spiritual change, you will want to have a copy of this book.Gary was kind enough to send me a early copy of the book to review.

Let's face it, the season of Lent can be pretty overwhelming. What do I give up for Lent? Will giving this item up help me to get closer to God, or am I giving XYZ up only to show off to my friends?The title of Gary Zimak's new book gives fellow Catholics a fantastic suggestion--why not give up worry? Really, if you think about it, that idea is truly a no-brainer. After all, whether they'll admit to it or not, every human being has that tendency to fret over the smallest parts of their day-to-day lives.The book takes a day-by-day approach to the Lenten season. Every two or three pages are dedicated to one of the 40 days of Lent, and includes a Bible verse, a small reflection on the particular verse, a "respond" section allowing the reader to get involved, and finally, a brief prayer. The language is simple, so even those who rarely attend church will be able to understand it.I have to say, I am really looking forward to using this book this Lenten season. Giving up worry is going to be much harder than giving up chocolate, but I think I'm ready for the challenge.

I highly recommend this book for Lent or any time of the year. Gary Zimak's books never disappoint and this one definitely won't! I'm also a seasoned worrier, and this book was like opening a window and letting in fresh air. Each day contains truths to ponder & meditate upon so we can "Give Up Worry For Lent"!!!! I will be using this book a lot!!!

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Senin, 21 November 2016

PDF Download Cesar Chavez Poetry Club 2019 Anthology: Written by Poets and Alumnae from Cesar Chavez Middle School

PDF Download Cesar Chavez Poetry Club 2019 Anthology: Written by Poets and Alumnae from Cesar Chavez Middle School

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Cesar Chavez Poetry Club 2019 Anthology: Written by Poets and Alumnae from Cesar Chavez Middle School

Cesar Chavez Poetry Club 2019 Anthology: Written by Poets and Alumnae from Cesar Chavez Middle School

Cesar Chavez Poetry Club 2019 Anthology: Written by Poets and Alumnae from Cesar Chavez Middle School

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Stray at home or workplace, you can take it easily. Just by attaching to the net and also obtain the link to download and install, you assumption to obtain this publication is understood. This is exactly what makes you really feel completely satisfied to overcome the Cesar Chavez Poetry Club 2019 Anthology: Written By Poets And Alumnae From Cesar Chavez Middle School to check out. This understandable publication features simple languages for reading by all individuals. So, you may not need to feel clinically depressed to discover the book as good for you. Simply determine your time to acquire guide as well as find the recommendation for some other books right here.

Cesar Chavez Poetry Club 2019 Anthology: Written by Poets and Alumnae from Cesar Chavez Middle School

Product details

Paperback: 33 pages

Publisher: Independently published (March 13, 2019)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1090446268

ISBN-13: 978-1090446268

Product Dimensions:

6 x 0.1 x 9 inches

Shipping Weight: 3.5 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#1,774,618 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

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Cesar Chavez Poetry Club 2019 Anthology: Written by Poets and Alumnae from Cesar Chavez Middle School PDF

Cesar Chavez Poetry Club 2019 Anthology: Written by Poets and Alumnae from Cesar Chavez Middle School PDF

Cesar Chavez Poetry Club 2019 Anthology: Written by Poets and Alumnae from Cesar Chavez Middle School PDF
Cesar Chavez Poetry Club 2019 Anthology: Written by Poets and Alumnae from Cesar Chavez Middle School PDF

Rabu, 16 November 2016

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Saskatchewan (The Traveller's Canada), by Edward A. McCourt

Saskatchewan (The Traveller's Canada), by Edward A. McCourt

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Saskatchewan (The Traveller's Canada), by Edward A. McCourt

Product details

Series: The Traveller's Canada

Hardcover: 238 pages

Publisher: St. Martin's Press; First Edition edition (1968)

Language: English


Package Dimensions:

8.6 x 5.8 x 0.7 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.2 pounds

Average Customer Review:

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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#14,268,806 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

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Saskatchewan (The Traveller's Canada), by Edward A. McCourt PDF

Saskatchewan (The Traveller's Canada), by Edward A. McCourt PDF
Saskatchewan (The Traveller's Canada), by Edward A. McCourt PDF

Kamis, 10 November 2016

PDF Download The Marine Chronometer: Its History and Development

PDF Download The Marine Chronometer: Its History and Development

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The Marine Chronometer: Its History and Development

The Marine Chronometer: Its History and Development

The Marine Chronometer: Its History and Development

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The Marine Chronometer: Its History and Development


Ten years short of the original publication’s centenary, one of the greatest books on a horological sub-genre has attained Second Edition status. First published in 1923, Gould’s masterpiece covers the topic of marine chronometers from its natural starting point: the need for the discovery of longitude. But even before you reach this stage in the book, the illuminating introduction by Jonathan Betts MBE warns you that the journey through its 400-plus pages will prove rewarding and frustrating in equal measure.How so? Because, this long-awaited second edition includes Gould’s own amendments and additions from his original annotated manuscripts. Here’s where the bibliophile in me starts salivating, for this is two books in one: the original, plus the 'outtakes.' What it does not do is rewrite Gould’s work in light of all that has been discovered since 1923, the editor preferring instead to provide ample annotation.It is an ideal way of updating a work that has earned the honour of being a subject’s definitive study, because the reader can savour the original as it appeared, while benefitting from superlative editing and sympathetic, respectful treatment. This is, though highly readable, an intensely technical work, certainly suitable for researchers or scholars. But do not be deterred: this book is an absolute joy. And be glad we didn’t have to wait until its centenary for this 're-boot.' (Ken Kessler QP Magazine, April 15, 2013)No book is a more complete history of the marine chronometer, even after nearly a century, and many, Jonathan Betts and Rudyard Kipling among them, consider this the finest horological work of the twentieth century. (David Rachlin, reference librarian, James E. Shepard Memorial Library, North Carolina Central University "American Reference Books Annual", Volume 28, Number 1, 2014 Edition)

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About the Author

Rupert Thomas Gould (1890-1948) was not a professional horologist, yet he researched and wrote The Marine Chronometer-considered by many to be the finest horological text of the 20th century - in just four years, between the ages of 29 and 33. A true English eccentric and a veritable polymath, Gould made important contributions in an extraordinary range of subject areas, from early typewriters to the Loch Ness Monster, from antiquarian horology to the history and rules of the game of tennis. He was an early broadcaster on radio, giving weekly talks on the BBC's Children's Hour throughout the 1930s, and as a member of the 1940s discussion programme The Brains Trust he amazed a national audience with his wide learning and photographic memory. Yet, his greatest achievements were horological: his restoration of the great Harrison timekeepers and his authorship of so many fine texts on the history of horology are his true legacy.

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Product details

Hardcover: 496 pages

Publisher: Acc Art Books (July 1, 2013)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1851493654

ISBN-13: 978-1851493654

Product Dimensions:

8.2 x 1.7 x 10.5 inches

Shipping Weight: 4.8 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.1 out of 5 stars

19 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#809,212 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

(UPDATED 19 Aug 2013)(The recently released reprint of 'The Marine Chronometer' rendered my previous review out-of-date.)At long last the (almost 'mystical') rumors about 'The Marine Chronometer', by Cmdr. Gould, being reprinted have come-to-pass.If you find the old mechanical marine chronometers fascinating then you need a copy of this book (get one before it drops out-of-print again).(concluding thoughts)If you have never actually had the opportunity to look at the internal mechanism of a mechanical marine chronometer let me suggest that you make the effort. Although electronic precision timekeeping devices long ago surpassed the mechanical marine chronometer for accuracy the sheer beauty of a marine chronometer is inspiring. Marine chronometers were designed and built in a time when the lives of ship's crews, and the survival of the ships, could easily depend on the accuracy of the marine chronometer(s) they carried on board so their navigators could make accurate positional calculations based on celestial navigation. In a time when people were feeding hay to their prime mode of transportation marine chronometers were being built that even now show them to be the technical tour-de-force that they were.

I just received this book 30 minutes ago.When I pushed the "Place Your Order" button I thought I must have been crazy. At 120 balloons, I came to think that I must certainly be a closet Gould fan. I now know why I paid so much.This book is gorgeous!I wasn't expecting either hardbound or glossy paper, but here it is, almost as pretty as H4.As far as literary quality and depth of knowledge, I almost don't even have to read it. If I want, I can just put it down on the coffee table. History has already spoken here.Congratulations to the publishers. Great job!Ron DiGiovanniEaston, PA.

Other purchasers have complained that this book is illegible. These people don't know how to define illegible. They make it sound as though the printing is somewhat substandard. Let me define it better and exactly.Try to imagine that you were to draw a diagonal line through each page of a book and then with a fat permanent marker, diagonally blacken half of each page. This is exactly what you will see when this book arrives to you.The cover and binding are beautiful, but everything inside is obfuscated like a POW's letter home.This book is the perfect example of why mechanization is ruining humanity. The printing of this book was handled totally by machines from A to Z. The only thing that humans can see in the handling of its sale is the beautiful cover.I have attempted to have Amazon take this book out of sale. They are giving me a hard time by preventing me from reaching the seller. They also are showing an unwillingness to do anything about investigating the problem. But believe me when I say that it has nothing to do with anyone's greed or laziness. It's all about mechanized bureaucracy. I will keep trying.Poor Rupert. He must be rolling in his grave.Ron DiGiovanniEaston, PA

I ordered without reading the reviews. Unbelievable that the publisher would say "there are occasional instances where imperfections, such as blurred or missing pages, poor pictures, or errant marks may have been introduced due to either the quality of the original work or the scanning process itself" when every single printed page had light leaks that left the top half of every page black and illegible. Oddly, the pages with scanned photographs are acceptable, and perhaps an individual took care on those pages, but let the scanner go "autopilot" on the text? Like I said in the review title, a real waste of paper. I have returned this book.

A lot of good technical details on the evolution of the marine chronometer.

The book is a completely illegible photocopy of the original. Most pages are smudged and only a small portion of the text in the bottom can be read. Cannot believe the publisher did not bother to check the results of the scan.

I wanted this book primarily for the grea, detailed drawings of the many chronometer movements - In this sense the book is excellent.However, I found the book overall a big disappointment --- Gould's original text was fine. An edited version (some judicious use of his revisions) would have been fine. To publish what is in essence an editor's markup sheet is a mistake.


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The Marine Chronometer: Its History and Development PDF

The Marine Chronometer: Its History and Development PDF

The Marine Chronometer: Its History and Development PDF
The Marine Chronometer: Its History and Development PDF

Senin, 24 Oktober 2016

Download PDF , by J.K. Rowling J. K. Rowling

Download PDF , by J.K. Rowling J. K. Rowling

Getting this publication in this internet site might not lead you to stroll and also go to publication shop. Looking for rack by shelf will actually spend your time mostly. However, it well not warranties you to be successful searching for , By J.K. Rowling J. K. Rowling Therefore, you could locate it in the soft data of this book. It will certainly give you the incredible system of guide suggestion. You can go to the link and also most likely to the page to earn deal with. And currently, your book sort documents of this can be your selected publication and place to read this intriguing publication.

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Associated with this , By J.K. Rowling J. K. Rowling, you could get it here straight. This book is one of the collections in this online collection to check out quickly. With the innovative technology, we will certainly reveal you why this book is referred. It is kind of totally updated book with fantastic headline of the text and instances. Some exercise and applications exist that will certainly make you feel more creative. Associated with this instance, this book is used making the appropriate selection of reading materials.

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, by J.K. Rowling J. K. Rowling

Product details

File Size: 32473 KB

Print Length: 105 pages

Publisher: Pottermore Publishing (September 1, 2017)

Publication Date: September 1, 2017

Language: English




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Enhanced Typesetting:


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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#24,173 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

I am a long-time Harry Potter fan. As such, I owned all of these books from the day of their original releases, and remember them well. Unfortunately, the newest released set from today (March 14, 2017), which I bought to replace the copies I ultimately lost in a house fire, are a fundamentally different product. To be fair, "The Tales of Beedle the Bard" and "Quidditch Through the Ages" are both fine. They're newly printed in a nice matching hardcover style that suits the boxed set well and really makes them feel a bit like textbooks at the same time. I don't like the cover art on the Beedle book as much as the original, and I seem to remember (but may be mistaken) some of the pictures being bigger in the original, but these aren't deal breakers. The content for both of these volumes appears to have remained fundamentally intact through to the new publication design.The real problem rests with the new release of the "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" book. Many people reading this review (and indeed, there are even pictures posted from previous releases showing it) may remember that the original release was presented as a copy of the textbook as owned by Harry Potter. As such, it contained a lot of doodles and "handwritten" notes from Harry and his friends throughout the book, integrating a lot of humor and personality into the textbook content about the various creatures. Unfortunately though, those notes are, in the new version, removed. There are one or two "notes" from the "editor" in the new foreword to the book, but that's it. I know that it probably costs more to have so much varying formatting and everything, but it's not like they couldn't recoup the costs. As it stands though, this new clean version essentially feels like a partial text. The core content is there, but the personality, humor, and fun that made the original so much better is all gone. It's still good, if you want to know about the magical creatures in the Harry Potter universe, but it really used to be so much better.

It`s beautiful, love the presentation

It's a must for all Harry Potter's fans !The box is very good quality and very beautiful, you learn a lot about J.K.Rowling's world and annotations (that the characters have written) present in the books add a nice touch to these books. One would feel really borrowing the books in Hogwarts Library !In short, this is a must have for Potterheads, so it can make a very nice gift and it will be perfect for a collection.♪ I hope this gave you an idea of this product. If yes, then don't hesitate to show it by clicking on "useful" button just below ! ♪

After watching Fantastic Beasts, my daughter was hooked on the Harry Potter universe. She really wanted to get the Fantastic Beasts book so when I saw this I ended up getting it for her for Christmas. She was very excited and read them through within a couple of weeks time. They are really fun books for Harry Potter fans!

They were gorgeous! My sister loved them. Beautiful designed covers in a beautiful box. But to confirm other reviews comments Ron and Harry amd hermione's markings on the margins have been removed and are not in this addition. Quite dissapointing.

These books were great, however they were as advertised- textbooks. This means that they were strictly informational. But, they did have funny little comments and doodles from presumably Ron and Harry scattered throughout the set. I would definitely recommend these books for their quality too, as they were perfectly packaged, and made.

If you're a HP fan then this is a must have. This collection really helps round out the HP universe by giving more detail to books and stories that were only mentioned in the original stories. My children LOVE the Tales of Beetle the Bard. The books themselves look beautiful in the little set box on the shelf next to the rest of the HP books, too.

I love Harry Potter and Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find them, and I feel that it is a must have for any hardcore fan or for someone who wants to learn more about the Wizarding World. It arrived on time after being released because I preordered it a month a head of time. It was in perfect condition and well packaged so it would not get damaged.

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Minggu, 16 Oktober 2016

Free Download Technical Editing (4th Edition)

Free Download Technical Editing (4th Edition)

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Technical Editing (4th Edition)

Technical Editing (4th Edition)

Technical Editing (4th Edition)

Free Download Technical Editing (4th Edition)

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Technical Editing (4th Edition)

Product details

Paperback: 480 pages

Publisher: Longman; 4 edition (August 6, 2005)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 032133082X

ISBN-13: 978-0321330826

Product Dimensions:

7.2 x 1 x 8.8 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.6 pounds

Average Customer Review:

4.1 out of 5 stars

42 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#1,180,038 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

This book has an approachable and clear writing style. It endeavors to be a comprehensive review of a topic - Technical Editing - that is sort of a niche. It was once a great book, I think. Twenty years ago, I may have given it at least four stars.However, in 2019, this book is sorely out of date. It assumes your primary tool for editing technical documents will be pen and paper. There are references to MS Word, online publishing and email, but they feel perfunctory and tacked on. The meat of the text is about how to handle printed pieces of paper. Tracking changes is really about as modern as it gets. Google Docs and other real time collaboration tools, which are the primary domain of technical communicators in 2019, simply do not exist in this textbook. Adobe products get only the barest of glances.Honestly, I'm angry. I paid over a hundred and twenty five dollars to buy this book new, without any access to online content, because so many other reviewers complained that their rented versions were falling apart. While the book fortunately did arrive in good shape, it is criminal to charge this much for something nearly ten years out of date. (The fifth edition was published in 2011.) But they would not be able to demand this price if instructors did not keep using this book to teach their technical editing courses, so in that regard I can't really blame Amazon or the publisher. Our instructor went so far as to apologize to us for the book's heavy emphasis on paper editing. But however sorry she felt, it didn't stop her from using it as the foundation to our coursework. I suspect there aren't many other book-length treatments of the topic out there, and so for now this text continues to sell to instructors who want an "all in one" solution to their course planning, however outdated it may be.Using it is a disservice to students, though. I might even argue that technical editing isn't really a skill you can read about to any great impact aside from a few sweeping discussions about conventions and the distinctions between writers and editors. Technical editing is something you need to practice to understand. Practicing it mostly via pen and paper will not give you the skills you need to be employable in the field in 2019 and beyond.

This is an excellent textbook and was very helpful during my technical editing class. The chapters contain useful exercises at the end and the authors use real-world examples to explain concepts. Chapter length is also very manageable.However, I STRONGLY recommend against renting it from Amazon. I received a heavily-abused and marked up version of the text (to the point that I could hardly read some of it). When I returned it to Amazon, I was told that the book was damaged and that I would have to pay to replace it. So Amazon will try to use you to replace their worn out textbooks if you choose to rent from them.

I used this book in a recent technical editing course. I initially rented the book through Amazon, but the copy I received was falling apart, and had notes taken in ballpoint throughout; it was totally unusable, so I purchased a new copy, also from Amazon. I'm glad I did, because this is a book that I want to keep. I've worked in public affairs and media for most of the last 25 years. Although I don't work as an editor, I feel it is likely that I'll refer back to this book regularly.

I love this book!!! It's everything real and informative about a career in editing and what to expect in this career field work. The book is expensive and so I'm renting a used copy, but I intend on buying a new soft copy when I can afford it. This is the book that is used in college English class that I'm taking.

The book is smaller than I expected and there is an additonal fee to access the writing lab. Other publishers include a free access code with new textbooks. For such an expensive paperback, Pearson should do the same for this book.

This book is very thorough , and an excellent review of the editing process.

very bad state...

Great product

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Technical Editing (4th Edition) PDF

Technical Editing (4th Edition) PDF

Technical Editing (4th Edition) PDF
Technical Editing (4th Edition) PDF

Kamis, 13 Oktober 2016

Free Ebook Alligators and Crocodiles

Free Ebook Alligators and Crocodiles

Checking out a publication is also sort of far better solution when you have no sufficient money or time to obtain your very own journey. This is among the reasons we show the Alligators And Crocodiles as your pal in investing the time. For even more depictive collections, this publication not only offers it's strategically publication resource. It can be a buddy, great buddy with much expertise.

Alligators and Crocodiles

Alligators and Crocodiles

Alligators and Crocodiles

Free Ebook Alligators and Crocodiles

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Feel so eased to find and also wait this book finally comes appear. It is the recommended enough for you that are still confused to obtain new analysis publication. When other books included the indication of best seller, this book is greater than it. This is not only concerning the best vendor one. Alligators And Crocodiles is one book that will certainly make you come to be best person, minimally the better individual after getting the lesson. The lesson of this book is typically as just what you should do.

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Alligators and Crocodiles

About the Author

LAURA MARSH has worked in children's publishing for nearly twenty years as an editor, packager, and currently as an author. She has written numerous books in the National Geographic Kids Readers series, including Great Migrations, Sea Turtles, and Spiders.

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Product details

Age Range: 5 - 8 years

Grade Level: Kindergarten - 3

Lexile Measure: 0570 (What's this?)

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Paperback: 32 pages

Publisher: National Geographic Children's Books (August 2015)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1426319479

ISBN-13: 978-1426319471

Product Dimensions:

6.1 x 0.1 x 9.1 inches

Shipping Weight: 2.9 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.9 out of 5 stars

32 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#15,551 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

This book is excellent for teaching your kids the difference between Alligators and Crocodiles. There have been many books with 1,000's of pages dedicated to showing the difference between the two similar, but totally different, species, but this book does more in 20 short pages then many treatises on the subject. This book has bright, colorful pictures, easy to read text and my son takes it wherever we go.However, I need to offer a big BUT on this one. If you are trying to identify iguanas, this is not the book for you. My son and I saw an iguana outside our home last week, opened the book, and could not figure out what type of iguana it was. I think it could be a little clearer on the cover, but the book is so good helping identifying Alligators and Crocodiles, I will not deduct it a star.

The best series ever for young readers. It is very hard to find books for young readers that are based on the natural world. The photos are beautiful, the storyline is full of accurate, interesting, scientific facts about the creatures, and has a vocabulary building review at the back of the book. And each book in this series has several upside down jokes that reference the animal, an added point of interest for Montessori and all children. BTW, I have gotten more than 30 of these books for my classroom. Highly recommended!

This book has great pictures and offers fun facts about crocodiles and alligators that my 3-year-old has now memorized. It also offers a great explanation of the differences between alligators and crocidiles, and also describes other crocodilians as well. Great vocabulary in the book, and very informative. It offers labels describing the specific types of alligators and crocodiles, and it defines the words that a young child would not know. This book is perfect for a toddler or elementary student fascinated with reptiles.

To be given as a gift to a young houseguest this week, but my husband and I have been loving the photography, captions and tidbits about alligator life--so important to know more about when you live in Florida.

My two year old nephew loved this book. It's way too advanced for him but hes obsessed with gators right now, he got it for xmas and hes still carrying it around

Bought this as a Christmas gift for our grandchild to go with a stuffed alligator we also bought on Amazon. Both are perfect gifts for our little granddaughter. She wanted a live alligator, but will love this book and the stuffed one.


My son LOVES this book and has learned a lot from it. He loves to tell anyone who will listen all about alligators and crocodiles. Money well spent!

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Sabtu, 24 September 2016

Ebook Free Polymer Science and Technology (3rd Edition)

Ebook Free Polymer Science and Technology (3rd Edition)

Why need to be Polymer Science And Technology (3rd Edition) in this site? Get a lot more earnings as what we have informed you. You can discover the other reduces besides the previous one. Ease of obtaining guide Polymer Science And Technology (3rd Edition) as what you want is additionally offered. Why? We offer you several sort of guides that will not make you really feel weary. You could download them in the web link that we offer. By downloading and install Polymer Science And Technology (3rd Edition), you have actually taken the right way to pick the convenience one, compared to the inconvenience one.

Polymer Science and Technology (3rd Edition)

Polymer Science and Technology (3rd Edition)

Polymer Science and Technology (3rd Edition)

Ebook Free Polymer Science and Technology (3rd Edition)

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Polymer Science and Technology (3rd Edition)

About the Author

Dr. Joel R. Fried is professor and chair of the department of chemical and biomedical engineering at Florida State University. Previously, he was professor and the Wright Brothers Endowed Chair in Nanomaterials at the University of Dayton. He is also professor emeritus of chemical engineering and fellow of the graduate school at the University of Cincinnati, where he directed the Polymer Research Center and led the department of chemical engineering. He holds B.S. degrees in biology and chemical engineering, and an M.E. degree in chemical engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. He also holds M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in polymer science and engineering from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.  

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Product details

Hardcover: 688 pages

Publisher: Prentice Hall; 3 edition (July 4, 2014)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0137039557

ISBN-13: 978-0137039555

Product Dimensions:

7.4 x 1.7 x 9.4 inches

Shipping Weight: 2.6 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

3.6 out of 5 stars

11 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#1,093,595 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

This is a really nice introduction to polymers, and covers most major topics. It nicely complements the Intro to Polymers book by Young and Lovell (also another nice intro book). This book is geared for science majors and engineers. It has some basic math (algebra and a little calculus), and assumes a basic understanding of chemistry and organic chemistry.I also like that it reads well on a Kindle (Kindle PC App and iPad Kindle app). Chemical structures are graphically clear, and the mathematical equations in the book are readable. Not the best Kindle formatted book I've seen, but not bad.

I would like to say that this book is rife with examples and explanations, but it isn't. The book is brief to say the least. For what it lacks in actually enhancing the understanding of the reader, it allows you to search google for more comprehensive explanations. I used this book for a polymer engineering course. Perhaps it was the wrong textbook for such a topic as it mostly relates to what a technician would characterize in a lab. I gained little from an engineering perspective.

No examples in text, poor editing. Shoot yourself in the foot instead.

This book doesn't have a good introduction section and there are many grammatical errors. I would look at other books that might have a more helpful introduction and better explanations of the material. The wording is extremely dense.

Nice review of polymer families, polymerization processes, polymer degradation and manufacturing tecniques

Excellent Book. I use it for my grad class. Covers most topics that are required to gain a sufficient introductory knowledge in polymer science. I would recommend it to undergrads as well as grad students.

A great text for Materials Chemistry subjects at University. This book displays a great deal of information both calculatory and chemically which complements the text from all levels.Plastics look out!!!!

Bought this for one of my son's graduate engineering courses. Although purchased as used, came as new! An excellent bargain!!!

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Polymer Science and Technology (3rd Edition) PDF

Polymer Science and Technology (3rd Edition) PDF

Polymer Science and Technology (3rd Edition) PDF
Polymer Science and Technology (3rd Edition) PDF