Kamis, 30 Maret 2017

Get Free Ebook Stormwater Management for Sustainable Urban Environments

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Stormwater Management for Sustainable Urban Environments

Stormwater Management for Sustainable Urban Environments

Stormwater Management for Sustainable Urban Environments

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Stormwater Management for Sustainable Urban Environments

Product details

Hardcover: 256 pages

Publisher: Images Publishing Dist Ac (February 15, 2017)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1864707070

ISBN-13: 978-1864707076

Product Dimensions:

8.9 x 1.3 x 10.9 inches

Shipping Weight: 3.1 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#1,055,265 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

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Jumat, 24 Maret 2017

Free PDF , by Debbie Cassidy

Free PDF , by Debbie Cassidy

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, by Debbie Cassidy

, by Debbie Cassidy

, by Debbie Cassidy

Free PDF , by Debbie Cassidy

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, by Debbie Cassidy

Product details

File Size: 3120 KB

Print Length: 234 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publication Date: March 19, 2019

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#4,636 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

No spoilers of any kind included!This book was awesome but then again every book in this series has been awesome!Debbie Cassidy definitely knows how to ensnare her readers and keep them wanting and needing more with each book that she writes.But this series is my favorite out of all her work.But anyway it’s going to be a big HECK YEAH I most definitely do recommend this book but if you haven’t read the first two books then I highly suggest that you do that way you don’t get confused as to what’s happening and who’s who.

For the Reign was a wonderful conclusion to the series. As with prior books, the relationship between the characters is intense and layered. I enjoyed the constant action and unpredictability of the plot. This writer excels in her craft.

WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE THE END?!?I heart this series so much, it hurts! I expect this entire series will be on my shelf in paperback form over the next month.

Did not see that ending coming!Each time I read a new book by Cassidy I am in utter awe. Her writing style, technique, depth of the characters, emotional connections, the vividness of the worlds…all of it is just amazingly detailed and well thought out. Each new book/series she writes just gets better than the one before it. I have no idea how she does it but I am so glad that she does.For the Reign is book 3 in the For the Blood series and continues with Eva and her guys in the final stretch to save the world. It is a reverse harem read and this final book heats up the pages. Aside from the non-stop action, drama, suspense, emotional conflict and romance, it contains some gut-wrenching emotional scenes (and yes, I may have sniffled a few times) and it is also full of twists and turns that veer in unsuspected directions and will surprise you until the very end. The anticipation and intrigue alone will hold you hostage while you travel with Eva and her guys through their final battle for creatures and mankind. There is even a brief connection made to Cassidy’s Heart of Darkness series, which was neat to see. This is a fantastic read and a great conclusion to the series.This series contains – For the Blood, book 1 / For the Power, book 2 / For the Reign, book 3 / *There is also supposed to be a novella coming in the near future as a follow-up giving us a look into the future with these great characters. This is a fabulous journey you will not want to miss!

I'm a huge fan of this author and absolutely love everything I've read by her! I own several different series but this book's ending was angsty and had my tear ducts working overtime. Don't worry things end on a somewhat happy note and I'm really glad that a novella is on its way to show us a glimpse into their new life.If you read the first two books you definitely will want to read book three no questions asked. It just didn't end anywhere close to what I was expecting and I wish it had been longer or another book because I didn't feel like the relationship with Elias ever got off the ground I couldn't help but feel sorry for him all the time. He got shafted and so did Jace except with him I felt like he was inserted as a last minute substitute for someone else that I was really hoping would grow during the series but ultimately be there. Kinda heartbreaking!Those are the only reasons I didn't give 5 stars and I might have given less if everything else about the book wasn't so good and utterly engrossing.

For the Reign, For the Blood #3 Debbie CassidyWowza! Can’t believe this is the last book. Ms. Cassidy put just as much effort into this book as the last two. She starts up just like the other one ends, which is nice. Sometimes we jump into a book at a different place and I get lost for a bit!So off we go to the lab. This book follows the cure to the virus and how they go about getting it to out to the people. They, of course, come up against obstacles left, right and center! Some surprising twists and turns only Ms. Cassidy could drum up also! I totally did not see quite a few of them either. It seemed like at every turn something was happening. The adrenaline didn’t stop!Ms. Cassidy has upped the bar here in her last For The Blood book. Eva’s guys work themselves out and become more connected to her. It’s Amazing that men can work their shit out and get along. Though they’d like to keep you thinking to the opposite!So, we have the usual trials and tribulations, conflicts and caresses happening here! Some delving back to Fae land, and a few minutes with shades back to Captive of Darkness with Veles and Naim. I love it when authors utilize their worlds between their books.I was upset at the ending only because it just seemed by a quick and easy clean up without doing the work.There are Some Spoilers Ahead.How did the island rebuild? If Eva was supposed to be the Vladul Queen to help bring the Vladul back to a Matriarch, how is that going to work if she’s not there? Eva has the Guys so we know where they are, but what about everyone else? I don’t like it when we leave a world without knowing the end. But that's just me.All in all, it is quite a book and I loved it immensely.

This series tops my list off post-apoc because there's just so much going on. It doesn't hurt that it loosely ties into Cassidy's Heart of Darkness series.Eva is such an unapologetic bad*ss that it's not hard to root for her. I found her brutal moments to be some of the more relatable moments, because it shows how entrenched she is in her reality. But then there's moments of softness and compassion where we see her humanity...even as she's irrevocably changed.I gave the book four stars because this book felt rushed. The pacing and tension is good for the book on its own, but I feel that it's off for the series as a whole. Either Eva's transformation should have happened in Book Two to give it time to really hit home and be worked out, or there should have been a fourth book.The world and characters are so rich that I just don't think everything could be fit into three books.That said, I'd recommend this series to anyone, and I look forward to the novella we've been promised.

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, by Debbie Cassidy PDF
, by Debbie Cassidy PDF

Jumat, 10 Maret 2017

Download Agricola and Germania (Penguin Classics)

Download Agricola and Germania (Penguin Classics)

Some people might be giggling when looking at you reviewing Agricola And Germania (Penguin Classics) in your extra time. Some could be admired of you. And some may want be like you that have reading hobby. Exactly what regarding your own feeling? Have you felt right? Reading Agricola And Germania (Penguin Classics) is a demand as well as a pastime at once. This problem is the on that particular will certainly make you feel that you should read. If you recognize are looking for guide qualified Agricola And Germania (Penguin Classics) as the choice of reading, you could locate right here.

Agricola and Germania (Penguin Classics)

Agricola and Germania (Penguin Classics)

Agricola and Germania (Penguin Classics)

Download Agricola and Germania (Penguin Classics)

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Agricola and Germania (Penguin Classics)


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About the Author

Tacitus studied rhetoric in Rome and rose to eminence as a pleader at the Roman Bar. In 77 he married the daughter of Agricola, conqueror of Britain, of whom he later wrote a biography. His other works includethe Germania and the Historiae. J. B. Rives received his PhD in Classics from Stanford University (1990) and taught at Columbia University and at York University in Toronto before moving to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where he is Kenan Eminent Professor of Classics. He is the author of Religion and Authority in Roman Carthage (1995) and Religion in the Roman Empire (2006), as well as numerous articles on aspects of religion in the Roman world. He has also published a translation, with introduction and commentary, of Tacitus' Germania (1999) and, for Penguin Classics, has revised Robert Graves' translation of Suetonius, The Twelve Caesars (2007). Harold Mattingley was born in 1884 and died in 1964. He is best known for his study of Roman coinage at the British Museum where he worked from 1920 to 1948. He wrote over four hundred articles and books and his Roman Imperial Civilization, first published when he was seventy-two, embodied the reflections of a lifetime devoted to the study of the Roman world.

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Product details

Series: Penguin Classics

Paperback: 224 pages

Publisher: Penguin Classics; 1 edition (March 30, 2010)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 014045540X

ISBN-13: 978-0140455403

Product Dimensions:

5.1 x 0.4 x 7.8 inches

Shipping Weight: 4.6 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.7 out of 5 stars

43 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#77,709 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

Agricola and Germania are two of Roman Historian Tacitus' most famous works. In this book you can read both of his fine works.Agricola is the story of Tacitus' father-in-law, a Roman officer that was involved in the conquest of Britain. The story is a biography that includes insights into Roman Britain and includes the famous barbarian speech indicting Rome's Greedy Expansion. "...The Romans make a desolation and call it peace."Germania is a study of the tribes of Germany. It shows insights into the early culture of the German People and Tacitus favorably compares the Germans to the Romans in his own day.The editor has many good notes, a fine appendix, and maps which allows the reader to infer modern names to the places described.

The introduction in this version is enormously helpful, so much so that if you ignore it and only read the part with the translation of Tacitus' writings, you're missing half the picture. The translation itself is very clear and accessible.

This book includes the writings of the ancient Roman writer, Tacitus, as he follows the campaigns of Agricola into Anglesey and northern Scotland. He also follows closely the campaigns into Germania, a country as untamed as Scotland.The reader is given a vivid look into an ancient world, but through the eyes of the conqueror and not the conquered. Still, this is a masterpiece of information about a lost time. The translation was done very well by Harold Mattingly and his introduction sheds light on Tacitus' life and literary career, the governorship of Agricola and Rome's political backgroud in an everchanging empire. The two maps of Roman Britain and Germania were an added surprise.I was a little disappointed that Tacitus did not give more descriptions on the native tribes of Scotland in The Agricola. For this reason, I felt that The Germania stood out much more. His vivid descriptions of the German tribes and their religious beliefs was wonderful to read.I highly recommend this book to anyone who is interested in Roman history and/or the native tribes of Scotland and Germania.

Great book to find out about early Germanic culture, albeit through the eyes of a Roman...decent delivery speed.

Absolutely the best to read about the people and Roman emperor's of the time written by someone who actually knew them, love it. It has spurred me to bye other books by Tacitus.

Tacitus' Agricola and Germania are among the two most-cited sources on Roman Britain and on the ancient Germans, respectively, and anyone with an interest in the Classical World should have a copy of this book.The Agricola is our primary source on Cnaeus Julius Agricola-governor of Roman Britain in the late 1st Century AD who is known to history primarily for the defeat he inflicted on the Caledonians at Mons Graupius in AD 83, and for his planned conquest of Ireland. Reading Tacitus' account, however, we find that his legacy in his own times was more for bringing justice to southern Britain, where previous Roman governors had abused their authority and driven the tribes to revolt.I can't imagine that we can take everything in the Agricola word-for-word, as Tacitus' account is naturally biased-Agricola was his father-in-law, and Tacitus does not speak a single negative word-not even the slightest criticism of a minor feature-of him.The Germania is also biased in that Tacitus is portraying these wild tribes as `noble savages'-claiming they never lied or indulged in improper sexuality, and had no love for money or fine clothing; in all, the Germania is as much an attack on the decadence of the Romans of Tacitus' generation as it is an account of the peoples of Germany in the 1st Century.After giving an at times rather humorous account of Germanic culture and customs, Tacitus looks at all the major tribes and their unique features-such as the bizarre hairdos of the Suebi, the strange religious rites of the tribes worshipping the Goddess Nerthus, and the customs of the Harii, who painted themselves black and only fought battles at night.Overall, this is a must read for a student of the Classical, especially Roman world, showing much about the culture and worldview of both the Romans and their Germanic contemporaries, and how these were perceived by a fairly typical upper-class Roman writer.

Want to know your European ancestors were like? Read this Romans account. Very very interesting.

Great overview history of the Roman empire during the Augustan dynasty.

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Agricola and Germania (Penguin Classics) PDF
Agricola and Germania (Penguin Classics) PDF