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Double Cross (Alex Cross), by James Patterson
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From Publishers Weekly
Bestseller Patterson's 13th Alex Cross thriller (after 2006's Cross) pits the legendary profiler, now retired from law enforcement and working as a psychiatrist in private practice, against two serial killers. Kyle Craig, Cross's former colleague in the FBI (who was revealed to be the Mastermind, a particularly vicious and resourceful murderer, in 2001's Violets Are Blue), has managed to escape from a Colorado maximum-security prison and is steadily working his way through his list of those he holds responsible for his capture and incarceration. Cross, who heads the list, is drawn back into police work by his love interest, Maryland homicide detective Brianna Stone, who's been assigned to the task force focusing on the D.C. Audience Killer (or DCAK), who stages high-profile and sadistic murders to get the most public attention possible. Even newcomers will find themselves turning the pages to see how everything turns out, but significant plot holes and implausibilities make this a far cry from the similar, but far more suspenseful, two-front war waged by Clarice Starling in The Silence of the Lambs. Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
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'Ticks like a time bomb - full of threat and terror' -- Los Angeles Times 'Brilliantly exciting I had to stay up all night to finish it' -- Daily Mail 'If there really were human superheroes, Alex Cross would be at the head of the class...and, with each instalment in the series, Patterson makes sure his superhero gets bigger and better while at the same time becomming more vulnerable.' -- New York Times 'James Patterson is back in true form with his latest Alex Cross series thriller... This is his best work yet' --Hobart Mercury 20061121
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Product details
Series: Alex Cross (Book 13)
Hardcover: 398 pages
Publisher: Little, Brown and Company; First Edition edition (November 13, 2007)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0316015059
ISBN-13: 978-0316015059
Product Dimensions:
6.2 x 1.2 x 9.5 inches
Shipping Weight: 3.2 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.4 out of 5 stars
679 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#491,418 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
SynopsisIn this, the thirteenth installment for super-cop Alex Cross, he finds himself once again returning to the streets to catch a diabolical duo of killers. Pursuing a genius serial killer who thrives on killing his victims in front of the largest crowds he can muster, Cross has his hands full. Known as the "Audience Killer," he delights in murdering famous people in broad daylight and on live television. He posts streaming video on the Internet, all the while taunting and threatening to make Cross his ultimate victim.As if this is not enough to keep Cross and his partner Bree Stone busy, former colleague and friend Kyle Craig performs a dramatic prison break and is bent on exacting his revenge on Cross for putting him in maximum security prison for four long years.Craig and the Audience Killer are destined to team up and make life short and miserable for the retired detective.The action is fast-paced and the suspense is palpable in this high-tech crime thriller.My Two Cents WorthAfter a couple of unremarkable efforts, Patterson is back. Double Cross is probably the best effort in the series of Cross novels.The plot is complicated and boasts some ingenious twists and turns, but very well developed and engaging. Patterson sets a scorching pace and keeps the reader completely engrossed in the story line. The prose is cohesive and concise and he paints a compelling story.Cross is still bigger-than-life, but unlike some of the previous books, the action doesn't suffer from lapses in reality. I found it refreshing to be completely consumed in a story for a change.Double Cross delivered, big-time.
This book is called "Double Cross," for a reason, and any reader wanting a thrill ride from D.C. to Wyoming will definitely get it with this great story. Alex also has a new love interest who seems, by all accounts to be acceptable to Nana & his children. It also has Kyle Craig?
The great thing about fiction is that the writer can go ANYWHERE he or she wants to go and it's ok :-)! The character Alex Cross ends up in more trouble, more places than any person has a right to end up not to mention a cop. Again the story line intertwines between his personal life and cop life delicately and wonderfully and in the end you always know he's going to be allright and you root for Nana :-). Great book, just leads to another great book.
Patterson just keeps getting better. Every Cross book is better than the last!7more words required , better and better and better.
Double Cross (Alex Cross Novels)I have read all of this series, my boyfriend got me hooked on them. He is an excellent writer, however I do not enjoy reading a book that has this much violence in it. Yes, I'm sure these situations exist, but I read to escape the stresses and horrors of everyday life not be immersed in it as this book does. The story is not that plausible for a real detective either and I found myself reading and saying oh come on, that wouldn't happen in real life. He has reached too far on this one and I won't be buying another in this series if it has the same type of violence that this once contains.
I have read several other Alex Cross books, and enjoyed them. This one, however, was lacking. Too much brutality for no other reason than to set up the next book in the series. Patterson is a very good writer, but this book didn't live up to what I have come to expect from him.
I love the Cross series but I don't know if James Patterson is pumping his novels out too fast or what but this Cross edition left me a little blah.I purchased the Audiobook and while Peter J. Fernandez is great as usual, Michael Stuhlbarg left me a little blah. Personally I think Denis O' Hare should be stitch to Peter J. Fernandez due to their great vocal chemistry. The book doesn't possess the normal heart-beating-blood-racing excitement I usually experience while listening to Patterson's audio books. And while the narration plays a big part in selling the story Michael Stuhlbarg's vocals killed the sale...Cross is once again being stalked by Kyle Craig and a shadow of Kyle who is killing publically. The Shadow of Kyle reasons behind his killings plus his methods of killing are about as exciting as watching my dog scratch her ear.If you are a Cross/Patterson fan, steer clear of this edition. If you are wondering why I didn't write more about the storyline, it is because there really is no storyline... The Big Bad Wolf is a much better buy and your heart, mind and blood will race. In Your Honor...I dont think so...
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